The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1912 in describe


Broadcast from Italy:

    >Greetings Italy,
    >    Well it looks like I was wrong and Austria was correct.   I can only
    >hope that you will join us in trying to stop England from getting a solo
    >victory.  I truly did not think he would go for a solo victory and
    >Austria was supposed to initially be in that draw, but England and
    >Austria could not get along and now I had picked that wrong side to stand
    >with.   Let me know what you are willing to do at this point.
    >Tzar Nikolai
    Let me get this straight.  First, you rob me of a couple centers that you
    didn't need and that I desperately did.     Now,  you come running to me for
    help because the big bad wolf has broken his leash while you were farting
    around in Turkey.
    I'll tell you what I'm going to do: nothing.  I have half a chance at
    surviving this game by doing exactly NOTHING.  I have zero reason to turn
    against England now.
    Italiano, living it up on the South coast of France.
    p.s. Watching you eat humble pie DID give me some small satisfaction, I
    admit.    (:

Broadcast from Master:

    I'm changing my return address for mail from the judge.  If you send
    me mail without using the judge, you don't need to switch and can
    continue to use the address you have been using if you like.
    - Simon

Broadcast from England:

    Russia, only part of your moves are in.
    Lord Sheringham

Retreats - No broadcasts sent.


Broadcast from Germany:

    To my fellow potentates and learned observers:
    The time has come to accept the obvious upcoming victory of England
    (I am estimating his 18th SC in the upcoming fall season, in spite of
    the best possible play by a united A/R) and     acknowledge the superb
    play of Lord Sheringham, minister of England.
    Consequently, I am proposing a concession to England as a praise of
    his Diplomatic skills.
    If you agree with my judgement of the impending victory and wish to
    give honor where it is due, then please send a bulletin to M saying
    "I vote for the proposed concession to England. "
    This of course will be a secret vote and anything but a YES will be
    considered a NO. Only an overall yes or no on this proposal will be
    sent to the players (there will be no "4-1 for" or "3-2 against").
    This must be a unanimous vote to pass!
    No matter what your vote, get those end of game statements ready.
    (Barring any more judge delays, the latest you will need them will be
    the first week of December)
    Thanks to all for an interesting and hard fought game, and your
    patience with me as a replacement.
    Kaiser Willy Jr

Broadcast from Master:

      This is just an official confirmation of the call for votes on a
    concession to England.    For the concession to pass, I must receive
    a YES vote from all surviving players.    Votes must be sent to me
    privately via PRESS TO M or regular email.    Broadcast votes will
    not be counted.     Results of the vote will not be revealed unless
    the concession passes.
    - Simon

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Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.