The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1910 in describe


Broadcast from Master:

    The game is rated again!
                    - Simon

Broadcast from Master:

    I'm extending the deadline at a player's request.
                - Simon

Broadcast from Germany:

    A new and peaceful Germany has arisen! For how long? Only time will
    tell. In the mean time, I shall be sending envoys forth to establish
    communications with the benevolent leaders of Europe.
    Rather than receiving your return messages in Berlin, I am currently
    enthroned in Munich and will be greeting your messengers there.
    Please make your offers! My position leaves me open to many
    Kaiser Willy Jr

Broadcast from Master:

    I'm extending the deadline to Monday to allow negotiations with
    the new player.
                    - Simon

Broadcast from Germany:

    What, only one messenger to Munich? And that one with an offer of
    continued mistrust? What has the world come to? Perhaps the late year
    has caused the rulers of Europe to grow fat on their laurels.
    I guess my run as kaiser will be short lived.
    Kaiser Willy Jr

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The Diplomacy Showcase section is maintained by Ry4an Brase (
Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.