The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1909 in describe


Broadcast from Master:

    I'm extending the deadline because the judge seems to be having problems,
    and because of a player absence.  Sorry for the delay.
                    - Simon

Broadcast from Austria:

    Apologies to all for my lack of recent communications.  Things
    have been very hectic for me recently.  I have been reading mail, but
    just haven't had to time to think much about dip and mail out replies.

Broadcast from Germany:

    Sorry for any inconvenience, but my wife got a son last week, so i was a
    little bit in pressure.


Broadcast from Turkey:

    As the once mighty Turkish empire fades into the ashes, I must say that it
    was a sheer delight kepping a lost cause alive for a few turns.
    The Swatted Sultan

Broadcast from Master:

    I'm going to be out of town from this afternoon until Monday night.
    I've set the game nolist so that if anyone goes abandoned because
    of problems, the position won't get taken by somebody else.
    Hopefully, it shouldn't make a difference.    Have a good weekend.
                    - Simon

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Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.