The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1908 in describe


Broadcast from Turkey:

    The recent political unrest in Asia Minor has subsided, and a new leader
    has emerged. The new government is sending ambasadors to all major powers
    to discuss the state of the world.

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Sorry I'm late.... I was a victim of Real Life (tm).
    I'll try not to let it happen again (or at least give some warning before
    it happens!)


Broadcast from Austria:

    Sorry about the slight delay; my moves are in.


Broadcast from France:

    Bonjours ici Marseilles.
    Good God!
    After a well earned holiday in the sole remaining region under French control
    the government has returned to see diplomats and events having taken a whole new
    France welcomes the new Turkish embassador and apologizes to its fellows
    governments for the silence during the tumultuous events.
    Le President de la Republique Francaise.

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Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.