The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1907 in describe


Broadcast from Master:

    I'm extending the deadline for an absent player.
                - Simon

Broadcast from Germany:

    German Press Agency ---URGENT ---- Latest News ------ URGENT ------
    GPA announces the following:
    I am not in town until Monday, 3rd of June, Could you please change the

Broadcast from Master:

    I'm extending the deadline for an absent player.
    - Simon

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Important Announcement:
    I will not have email access for an indefinite amount of time
    starting on Monday June 10th.  I am guessing that I will
    have email access again sometime in the middle of July.     My
    recommendation is that you find a replacement to take over my
    position.  But, if everyone wants me to continue to play, and
    is willing to wait that long, then I will play the game out
    once I am settled down again.
    - Sultan

Broadcast from Austria:

    Sorry about the delay.  I had to leave town unexpectedly Sunday,
    and I didn't get back until tonight.


Broadcast from Master:

    Well, it looks as if the Sultan is going to have a period of absence.
    I will hold the spot for him if all the other players agree but if
    anyone objects I'll try to find a replacement since it is a long
    period of time.
    Please let me know by press to M rather than by broadcast.
    - Simon

Broadcast from Master:

    Whoops, I shouldn't have let Turkey go abandoned since he said
    he would be losing access.  I will take care of the adjustment
    to his dedication points but will leave the position abandoned
    so that the opening appears on the opening list and somebody
    else can take over the position.
                - Simon

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Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.