The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1907 in describe


Broadcast from Turkey:

    This is a NEW Turkey.  Please do
    NOT assume I have ANY idea what
    the previous Turkey promised.

Broadcast from Austria:

    I will be out off town from Thurs June 13 until Sunday June 23.  I
    will have no email access from 6/14 - 6/17.  I will have access for some
    or all of 6/18 - 6/23, so after 6/18 I should still be able to check
    email, although I may not be able to engage in very extensive

Broadcast from Master:

    I will be out of town tomorrow so I'm extending the deadline by one
    day since several powers missed deadlines and I won't be around to
    reply to email.
                    - Simon

Retreats - No broadcasts sent.


Broadcast from Master:

    I'm going to be out of town from tomorrow until next Thursday.      I'm
    setting the grace period to a week and setting the game unrated so
    that nobody loses dedication points.  This is just in case something
    happens that I'm not around to respond to, but hopefully the game
    will continue to move with regular deadlines.
    - Simon

Broadcast from Russia:

    Greetings Master,
       I will not be in at least until probably the following Monday  July 1st.
    Tzar Nikolai

Broadcast from France:

    Bonjours ici Marseilles.
    I would like to thank the powers that have written to me during the last two
    weeks. I would like to apologize for most messages that have gone unanswered for
    some unknown reason. In fact my provider has sent me messages which bear
    absolutely no connection with me or even the provider in question and seems to
    have hidden most of my other mail.
    Once again then my most sincere apologies, especially to my neighbours who must
    have felt brushed aside.
    Le President de la Republique Francaise.

Broadcast from Master:

    I've reset the grace periods for all phases to their original values
    (72 hours), I've set the game rated again (so that dedication penalties
    are back in effect) and extended the deadline at a player's request.
    - Simon

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The Diplomacy Showcase section is maintained by Ry4an Brase (
Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.