The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1906 in describe


Broadcast from Austria:

    Considering how the judge has experienced some downtime recently,
    would anyone object to a deadline extension?

Broadcast from Master:

    Austria asked:
    >   Considering how the judge has experienced some downtime recently,
    >would anyone object to a deadline extension?
    followed shortly after by:
    >Diplomacy game 'describe' is waiting for Austria's orders.
    >Diplomacy game 'describe' is waiting for Russia's orders.
    >Diplomacy game 'describe' is waiting for France's orders.
    >Diplomacy game 'describe' is waiting for Turkey's orders.
    I'll take that as a resounding "no" regarding objections.
    - Simon


Broadcast from Master:

    I'm extending the deadline due to erratic judge behavior.
    - Simon

Broadcast from Russia:

       Everyone including the GM.   I am going on Vacation for the next
    week.  I will not be here from tonight till Wednesday or Thursday next
    week.  Please postpone any deadlines appropriately.
    Tzar Nikolai

Broadcast from Russia:

       Everyone including the GM.   I am going on Vacation for the next
    week.  I will not be here from tonight till Wednesday or Thursday next
    week.  Please postpone any deadlines appropriately.
    Tzar Nikolai

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Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.