The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1905 in describe


Broadcast from Germany:

       What's the hold up?

Broadcast from France:

    Bonjours ici Paris.
    I have great difficulty accessing a computer where I am. This is in fact a
    transmitted message from a friend abroad.I had left a message stating that I
    would not be available until the 1st of April. Please review the deadline date
    in view of that.
    Thank you.

Broadcast from Master:

    I've extended the deadline until Monday.  Please get your moves in
    as soon as possible.
                    - Simon

Broadcast from England:

    Fellow Players,
    I'm not sure if Italy or Turkey will be coming back, but I do
    know that the Frenchman was going to return to the land of email access
    in the next few days.  So, to the person who just took over France,
    perhaps it would be better if you resigned as France and switched to one
    of Italy or Turkey.     Just a thought.
    Simon and the others, what do you think?
    Lord Sheringham

Broadcast from Master:

    >    I'm not sure if Italy or Turkey will be coming back, but I do
    >know that the Frenchman was going to return to the land of email access
    >in the next few days.
    I am aware of France's pre-announced absence and I have already asked
    the new France to resign.  Thanks for pointing it out in case I didn't
                    - Simon

Broadcast from France:

    I don't want to disrupt if the original player intends to return.      I may try
    for one of the other abandoned positions.

Broadcast from Russia:

       I am pretty sure that Turkey will be coming back, but not positive.

Broadcast from Germany:

    > Broadcast message from England in 'describe':
    >    Fellow Players,
    >    I'm not sure if Italy or Turkey will be coming back, but I do
    > know that the Frenchman was going to return to the land of email access
    > in the next few days.     So, to the person who just took over France,
    > perhaps it would be better if you resigned as France and switched to one
    > of Italy or Turkey.  Just a thought.
    >    Simon and the others, what do you think?
    >    Lord Sheringham
    I agree unless France willfully chose not to finish. I see no reason
    why he would quit.

Broadcast from Italy:

    Please allow me to be the first to not-so-humbly welcome myself to the game.
    I'm assuming that the original player has gone AWOL and has no plans to
    return - please inform me if I'm mistaken.
    Assuming that I am to continue in this new post, please be informed that
    "all bets are off" - whatever agreements were in place with the previous
    government are null and void, and I'll be pleased to entertain discussion
    from anyone and everyone.
    Good hunting to all....

Broadcast from Master:

      Italy has remained abandoned because I set the game NoList until
    Frace signed on again.    I've set the game List now, so hopefully
    somebody will take over Italy shortly.
                    - Simon

Broadcast from Master:

    Whoops, Italy has already signed on.  That's what I get for not reading
    all my mail before sending new messages.  Disregard that last message.
    - Simon

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Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.