The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Spring of 1904 in describe


Broadcast from Master:

    Extending the deadline for an absent player.  Others are welcome
    to get moves in sooner.
                - Simon

Broadcast from France:

    Bonjours, ici Paris.
    I will be away from Wednesday to Sunday included. Please forgive the delay.
    Le President de la Republique Francaise.

Broadcast from France:

    Bonjours ici Paris.
    I have received no reponse from the judge indicating it had received my
    message. Since I have not received any other message either I assume the
    judge is down. If not could the Master please get in touch with me directly
    through Email.

Broadcast from Master:

    I'm extending the deadline in anticipation of sporadic access on
    my part.  Unless you have a need of an extension, please continue
    to play as if there were none.
    - Simon

Broadcast from Austria:

    My moves are in.  I'm on vacation currently (although I still
    have net access), so I haven't been checking email as freqeuntly.

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The Diplomatic Pouch is brought to you by the DP Council.
The Diplomacy Showcase section is maintained by Ry4an Brase (
Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.