The Diplomatic Pouch

Broadcasts for Fall of 1903 in describe


Broadcast from Master:

    I've had somebody request that I say something about conducting
    diplomacy after the deadline.  Intentionally missing a deadline
    so that you can continue to conduct negotiations is not allowed.
    The only time you may negotiate after a deadline has passed is
    if moves have been submitted for all your units and it is
    somebody else who is late.
    - Simon

Broadcast from Turkey:

    >I've had somebody request that I say something about conducting
    >diplomacy after the deadline.  Intentionally missing a deadline
    >so that you can continue to conduct negotiations is not allowed.
    >The only time you may negotiate after a deadline has passed is
    >if moves have been submitted for all your units and it is
    >somebody else who is late.
    Whoops!  I hope it wasnt me.  I have a tendency to answer my email
    one at a time and write letters before seeing that I am late.  If
    it was me, then I am sorry and I will be more careful next time.
    - Sultan Ishtar

Broadcast from Master:

      I received a couple of messages from players regarding my last
    message about Diplomacy after deadlines (or rather intentionally
    missing deadlines to extend negotiation periods).  I was not
    threatening to throw anyone out of the game, nor was I pointing
    fingers at anyone in particular.  It just happens that somebody
    had previously complained about the pace of the game, then came a
    missed deadline with more than half of the players late, followed
    by a message from a player about Diplomacy after deadlines.  So,
    I broadcast a message about that policy to discourage the practice
    and keep the game moving along.
      Sorry if I sounded threatening; it was not my intention.
                    - Simon

Broadcast from France:

    Bonjours, ici Paris.
    >I've had somebody request that I say something about conducting
    >diplomacy after the deadline.    Intentionally missing a deadline
    >so that you can continue to conduct negotiations is not allowed.
    >The only time you may negotiate after a deadline has passed is
    >if moves have been submitted for all your units and it is
    >somebody else who is late.
    Oh dear it might have been me! Actually I had four wrong set of moves this time!
    Now why can#t the judge send back moves details it can understand? I keep
    copying the judge confirmation omitting to take off the France in fornt or
    stupid thigs like that.
    Note to master: I will be posting my description of my thoughts and moves as
    soon as I get back to using my main computer where they are stored.
    Le President de la Republique Francaise.

Broadcast from Master:

    I'm extending the deadline to tomorrow night because of the judge
    slowdown which may cause moves submitted on time to be received
    - Simon

Broadcast from Master:

    I'm extending the deadline for an absent player.

Retreats - No broadcasts sent.

Adjustments - No broadcasts sent.

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The Diplomacy Showcase section is maintained by Ry4an Brase (
Last updated on Sat, Sept 20, 1997.