The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Spring of 1913 in describe


Fleet Greece SUPPORT Army Bulgaria.
Army Bulgaria SUPPORT Fleet Greece.

Army Trieste -> Venice.
 Nothing better to do.

Army Tyrolia -> Vienna.
Army Serbia -> Rumania.
Army Galicia -> Ukraine.
Army Rumania -> Sevastopol.
 Moving against R.	Partly to vent frustration at how he refused to
open his eyes and see the English threat, partly just grubbing for centers
to finish "second."


Italy, Germany, Russia
 No communication.

 He asked me to attack Russia.

Concession vote
 There was a call for a concession to E.  Even though E's going to
win, I just prefer to make him go through the effort of grinding out to
the end rather than just call it quits, so I didn't vote for it.


 England's Spring 1913 Analysis:

 The game should be over this year, if everything goes according to
plan.  Russia's removal of A Finland has me puzzled - if he was interested
in slowing me down as much as possible, he would have kept it there and
forced me to give up the GoB if I was going to eliminate that A Fin (F
StP-GoB would cut any support from GoB).  But then, Russia's tactics
haven't been very good during this game at any time, in my opinion.
 So things were pretty simple.

 Germany:  Gave him a set of moves.  I'll be supporting him in
place and he's going to hold and support against any possible AR attack.
 Italy:  Gave him a set of moves too:  F Aeg S English F Tyn-Ion
and A Venice hold.  I'm going to support him in place in Venice to finish
the game.  I think that he appreciates me keeping him alive, not that he
would rebel if I didn't give that promise.  It's an act of consideration,
and it sure doesn't hurt my cause.
 Russia:  Didn't say anything.
 Austria:  My diplomatic "coup" this turn which wasn't a coup at
all.  I suggested to Austria that he attack Russia and finish the game in
a strong second place.  He quickly agreed.  I don't think it was a hard
decision for him:  Russia's play is the reason he's not going to be a part
of the result and to finish with a bit of brutality against the Care Bear
seems fitting.	Besides, like I told him, Austria was my main adversary in
this game and I thought it nice if he asserted himself over the Russian as
a sign of Austro-English unity.


 With Russia removing A Fin, my goal immediately switched to
getting StP.  Earlier, I was planning on hoofing it back to Berlin to
capture that.  (It's the only way I saw I could win the game this year.
I kind of want to get this done by Dec. 12th, which is when I go home for
Christmas.  So time is a factor.)  But since Russia is playing less than
optimally, I decided on getting StP.  (That's also why I suggested to
Austria to attack Russia via A Rum-Sev, A Gal-Ukr this turn and A Sev S A
Ukr-Mos next turn.	The Austrian attack on Moscow, in combination with my
moves this turn, will guarantee StP because it will cut one of Russia's
two possible supports.)

 F Ionian-Adriatic:  I just want to move this fleet somewhere fun,
and that would be the Adriatic.
 F Tyn-Ion:  Moving in behind F Ion-Adr.  This move will be
supported by Italy's F Aeg, in case Austria tries F Gre-Ion.	He won't,
but just in case, I like to make sure.  If Italy is dislodged by combined
AR fleets in Gre and Con, I'll ask him to retreat to EMed where he can
help me out in the Fall.
 F Rome-Naples:	 Naples will be one of the three centres I need to
finish this up.	 This fleet will stay in place in the Fall obviously,
probably supporting F Ion.
 A Tuscany S Italian A Venice:	This unit will support Italy in
place in Venice and will do so in the Fall or however long it takes to
 F Piedmont C Austrian A Gal-Mos:  My humour move, which should
indicate to Russia that I knew the Austrian was going to attack with A
Galicia.  A nice barb.
 A Paris-Burgundy:	This army will move to Bur and then either help
me capture Munich (provided Austria doesn't come through against Russia),
or support Germany in place in the Fall.  (Germany knows I might take
Munich from him if necessary, in order to win this year.)
 A Kie S German A Ber:  Supporting Germany in place.  I fully
expect Russia to attack him this turn.  He'll fail.
 F GoBothnia S F Swe-Finland, F Swe-Fin:  In order to guard against
Russia ordering F StP-Fin, I'll order this to make sure I get into
Finland.  (I don't expect him to, but I have to assume he'll try to stall
me as much as possible.)
 A Den-Swe:  I'll move this in behind the F Swe-Fin.
 F Norway-Barents:	Not really necessary, but I want to have fleets
in as many weird places as possible at the end here.  (Kind of like with F
Ion-Adr.)  If Russia is dislodged from StP, he can't retreat to Norway
because his fleet is on the south coast, and so he can't get there.	 With
these four northern units, I should have F Bar, F Fin, F GoB and A Swe in
the Fall.  If Austria does attack Moscow, then I'll be able to finish off
the game with a flourish:  A Swe-StP via GoB and with supports from F Nwy
and F Fin.  Russia can't counter this if Austria attacks him in Moscow.
The thought of an army in StP makes me happy.
 F Edi-Nth:	 Just getting this totally unneeded build out to sea.
I'll probably convoy my army across to Belgium with this fleet in the
Fall, although it MIGHT depend on what happens around Munich and whether I
can take Belgium without weakening Germany too much.  (Again, if Austria
attacks Russia, no problems here.)
 F Lon-Eng:  Going out for a joyride into the Channel.  I think
I'll move to the MAt come Fall.
 A Liverpool-Yorkshire.	 I don't think I've had a unit in Yorkshire
during this game, and so I'll move there for that reason.  This army will
probably go to Belgium come Fall via the North Sea.

 So, things should go according to plan and be over this year.  The
only variable is whether Austria will do what he says and drive for Moscow
in both seasons.  If he does, and I see no reason he wouldn't, this game
will be over by the time I go home for X-mas.  Wheeee.

 Lord Sheringham


No analysis submitted


---Overall impression---
E is going to win in the Fall. He has done better than I expected, in
part due to Austrias capitulation. Italy and I are still puppets of
England. R is out of position to stop things, but I assume he was the
one that did not want to conceed.

---1-Move Justification----
My three units A Ruh, A Mun, and A Ber are going to support in such a
manner as to try and keep Mun and Ber. Given the potential of A/R
attack (unlikely), I will also need the support of Eng Army in Kie
(which is promised).

A Munich S Berlin is designed to help keep Berlin from any attacks by
the Russian. 

A Ruhr is supporting A Mun. Not much else I can do with it given its

A Berlin, needing to keep the Russian out will S A Mun for lack of
anything else to do.

---2- Intentions with regards to other powers---
A-I am still silent with A, but his moves indicate he is ready for
this game to end and is moving to help E.
R-I am also silent with R. I see him as still trying for Berlin and
will defend as necessary.
I-Italy is in league with E and will survive the game. He and I are
in the same boat.
E-Lord Sheringham is my master. I will continue to do his bidding as
he has guarenteed my survival. He will let me keep Mun and Berlin and
will take Bel this turn. This is more than I bargained for.

---3-Overall situation---
England has a forced win in the next turn. Austria has either
listened to English arguments about the end being near and wishes to
seal things quickly, or just wanted to hurt R a little before the
end. This was rather unexpected from my perspective, but will end the
game sooner. E's prediction of a 1913 victory, versus mine of a 1914
look better and better.

This has been an interesting game. I hope that my filling in for an
abandoned G did not completely change the complex of the game, but 
mearly sped things up a bit.

Kaiser Willy Jr

Mike McMillie


No analysis submitted


No analysis submitted


No analysis submitted

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