The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Spring of 1912 in describe


Fleet Greece SUPPORT Army Bulgaria.
Army Bulgaria SUPPORT Fleet Greece.

Army Rumania SUPPORT Army Bohemia -> Galicia.
Army Bohemia -> Galicia.
 Russia declared war on me, so I moved into gal.

Army Tyrolia -> Venice.
 Bounce Italy out of ven.

Army Trieste -> Serbia.
 Moving units to defend rum/bul against R.

Army Vienna -> Trieste.
 Gives me 2 units on ven, so I can keep EI out of ven.


Italy, Germany
 I made a last ditch effort to get them to break with E, but they
were obviously unwilling as long as R remaind oblivious to the English

 I made a last attempt to get R to wake up and see the English
threat. As expected, R remained clueless.  Then R actually declared war on

 I offered my support to E because of R's declaration of war on me.
Not that it makes any difference, since E doesn't need my help for the
solo.  Aid from IG and R stupidity are more than enough help for E.


	Well, this is what you've all been waiting for.  The cold steel
has been drawn and I'm going to run Russia through.  Or at least try.
	Stabbing is not something I take lightly, but it is certainly
something I will do.  Whenever I put in stabbing orders, I pay close
attention to how I feel once they're all up there on the screen and not
yet sent;  if I'm doubtful, I'll reconsider everything a bit further.
This time, however, I'll have to admit I was smiling about my rather
brutal orders.	I am the Scourge of the Care-Bears.
	Russia has made this extremely easy, of course, because he trusts
me far too much.  Just a few years ago, I stabbed Germany without much
doubt, but apparently Russia either forgets this or doesn't think I could
do the same to him, because we've had this totally honest relationship
throughout the game (for the most part).  My guess is that he forgot this,
and thus doesn't know my true character.
    As far as stabs go, this should be a good one.  I'll start with
the moves this time, as they work very tightly with some of my diplomatic
efforts this turn.

	F Tun-Ion:	This move will be supported by Italy's F EMed.
Obviously, I want to get into the Ionian to solidify my hold on the Boot
and also to prevent Austria from moving F Gre-Ion.  I ask for Italy's
support to make certain that this move succeeds.
	F WMed-Tyn:	 Just moving into Tyn.	This fleet will move to Rome
in the Fall, most likely capturing it.	(Unless Austria gets into Venice
this turn and bounces this in the Fall, but then this fleet would prevent
a retreat to Rome.)
	A Mar-Tuscany, F GoL C A Mar-Tus:  One of my favourite convoy
drop-offs is Tuscany, and I'll use it here.  My primary goal around Venice
is to make sure that Austria doesn't get Ven or get into the boot.	So
I've got a whole set of EIG orders to protect Italy.  In addition to F
EMed S F Tun-Ion, Italy will be ordering F Aeg-Con, A Pie-Ven and F
Ion-Apulia.  Germany will be ordering A Mun-Tyr, A Ruh S A Bur-Mun, the
same as last turn:  gives Italy a chance of bouncing Austria in Venice and
protects Munich from him as well.  Back to the convoy:  In Tuscany, I can
support Italy's army into Venice (if it's not already there) and block off
all possible retreats for any Austrian army that does get in there this
turn.  Then I can support Italy's army in place and take Rome and Naples
at leisure with the Ionian secure.
	F Spa(sc)-Mar:	Right now, I don't think I'll be wanting to take
Naples this year (that would weaken Italy and force him to disband one of
his Eastern fleets.	 As long as he's taking orders from me, I'll keep one
of those Italian fleets in the east alive.)	 So this move is just to cover
Mar but more importantly to move to Piedmont in the Fall to block off the
Boot totally from Austria.
	A Bre-Pic:	This army will probably take Paris in the Fall, but
I'm just moving it closer to Belgium just in case Germany gets any ideas
and turns coat.

    In the North:
    F Nth-Nwy:  Just moving this fleet into Norway to take it from
Russia.  This fleet should be moving to Sweden in the Fall if all goes
    F Lon-Nth:  Moving this fleet to Nth this turn and this fleet will
move to Norway in the Fall, capturing it.
    F Den-Bal:  I flirted a lot with stabbing in the Fall, because
that's when I traditionally like to do things, but the Spring moves were
so potentially good that I didn't need to wait any longer.  This move puts
a fleet into a strong position in the Baltic.  My fall plan for this unit
doesn't involve supply centres: I intend to move it to GoB to bounce the
Russian fleet moving out of StP(sc).
	A Kie-Den:	Just shifting this army into Denmark.  In the Fall,
this unit will support my fleet moving from Norway to Sweden, which will
succeed and allow my fleet now in London to make it into Norway with no
	A Hol-Kie:	Moving into the gap at Kiel.  In the Fall, I will
support Germany's A Munich into Berlin.

    The net result of these moves should be:
    I'll get Rome, Paris, Sweden and Norway=  +4
	Germany will gain Berlin and lose Paris=  Even
	Italy will lose Rome and maybe Smyrna =	 -2 or -1
	Austria will probably stay even
	Russia will lose Nwy, Swe, Ber and maybe gain Smy=	-2

	Russia will be unable to recover from this blow, and I'd only need
three more centres next year to win:  those being StP, Nap and one of
Belgium, Berlin, Venice or Greece.  I'm going to stick to my promise of
keeping Germany and Italy alive as much as I can, but if I have to
eliminate them to win, I'll do it.

    Austria:  He wrote me saying that he and I both knew that I would
win and he asked what he could do to expedite things.  Kind offer, and I
mostly believe that he's telling me the truth, but 1) I didn't need to
take that chance and 2) it's also the last desperate attempt to get Russia
to see the light if I did reply and ask him to attack Russia or whatever.
Next turn, however, if the stab succeeds, I'll take Austria up on his
offer just to make sure this thing gets done quickly.  (Also, I know
Austria's dying to attack Russia.)
	Italy:	Gave him a set of orders.  He said sure.  I told him I
loved him.

	A word about Austro-Russian relations here:	 Russia told Austria
that he was declaring war on him in the near future, although he still
held out hope for re-alliance.	Austria mentioned this to me in his
letter and Russia mentioned it to me over the EGR channel.	My guess is
that Austria is attacking Russia, but Russia wants to play friendly with
Austria for a little while longer.

	Anyway, on to the real diplomatic efforts:
	What I had to do this turn was make Russia think that he had found
a secure arrangement to replace the EAR (which I trashed last year).  I
think that as long as Russia has some sense of security, he'll be totally
Care-Bear and oblivious to the idea that I would stab him.  Hence, I
finally formally hatched this EGR endgame idea (which I had talked to him
about last year) to both Germany and Russia;  this EGR would be the
illusory alliance which would keep Russia honest for one more turn, the
turn I needed to stab him well.
    Of course, Germany and I were talking about this all along.  Very
nice chap.  He knows what I'm doing and therefore he's a bit of a risk,
but I trust him.  Helping me stab Russia would probably entertain him.
    Russia liked the EGR idea and Germany said that he loved it too
(I coached him well).  With that out of the way, I also had to make up a
tactical plan which would make it look like an EGR endgame was being
formed without allowing Russia to ruin my stab moves.  The thing I was
really afraid of was Russia moving A Swe-Nwy this turn to bounce my F
Nth-Nwy or him moving A Swe-Den to bounce that army moving up from Kiel.
That would make the stab not as good, and I want to make it perfect.
    So, my big tactical/diplomatic problem was to get Russia to keep A
Sweden in place this turn.  (Considering that he's kept it in place there
for a while, all this was probably overkill, but I wanted to make sure.)
	So I proposed to GR that it would be best if Germany moved back
into his home centres this year while I took Paris and Belgium and Russia
took Denmark from me to compensate for losing Berlin.  Basically, we would
all stay even.
	In doing that, I proposed that I would make Germany more secure by
convoying my armies out of Germany.	 The first to go would be A Hol
convoying across the North Sea to England this turn.  This suggestion was
key for me:	 I had to have an excuse to keep F Den in place this turn at
least, and having F Nth convoying and remaining still was the easiest way
to make it fly.	 The bit about promoting German security by convoying the
army over made it even better.	Russia meanwhile, would move out of Berlin
in the Fall and move A Swe-Den, while I moved F Den to Nth.
	Russia agreed to this over EGR, as did Germany.	 (Germany was
SUPPOSED to hold in place in Munich this turn and move A Ruh-Kie to take
over Kiel, but he will do the moves I talked about way above.)	I'm quite
happy with this whole illusion of security that I had to set up (these
kinds of things are  the best things in the game, I think), and it should
work unless Germany turns coat.  As I can't see anything for him to gain
in the long-run if he did so, I feel pretty good about this.  I'm smiling,
in fact.
    More on the morality of stabbing a Care-Bear later, after the
results go through.

    Lord Sheringham


No analysis submitted


---Overall impression---
E is going for the win and has Italy and me on his side. E has done
an excellent job of duping R (we now have a 3-way alliance for the
draw between E/G/R), but soon will be in his knickers with a stab in
the north. I will always be a puppet to E, however I think that I
have amused him enough in our daily bilateral press to have him keep
me around until the end. R has formally declared war on A and moved
accordingly. Problem is, R is getting an undeclared war in

---1-Move Justification----
I still have three  units A Ruh, A Mun, and A Bur. I have had these,
in the same position, for the last 3+ years. All my movements have
been bounced, or I have supported.

A Munich to Tyrolia is designed to cut any possible support the
Austrian A in Tyrolia may be giving. Eventually, I see this army
moving into Boh, Sil or possibly Berlin. A Tyr is also a thin
disguise to get R to believe that E and myself are with him.

A Ruhr is supporting A Bur to Mun. The idea is to get a beleaguered
garrison in Mun (should R and A gang up into Mun), or to get into

---2- Intentions with regards to other powers---
A-I am not his friend or enemy. He is the enemy of E, but I will not
be passing much information on to him. A tried, in vain, to put
together an alliance vice E. He seems to have a good sense of the
board, but is being OBE out of his control.
R-I will continue to be his friend for this turn, at least in the
press. He will feel my little sting in the fall however. R is a care
bear, and needs to loosen up some.
I-Italy and I haven't talked in over 3 seasons. He is a suicidal
puppet of E's and hard over against R/A, even though they are not
aligned any more.
E-I will continue to be his partner in crime. He seems to have a lot
of fun with the game, and sends a lot of press. He reacts more
favorably when I send a lot back. Interesting fellow.

---3-Overall situation---
England now has the ducks lined up and will conquer the world. With
I/G in his pocket, and R fighting A (R being part of the overall
proposed E/G/R alliance which was "finalized" this year) it will
happen. The question is: how quickly will E stab R? He indicates it
will be this year. If he does, I see him getting the need centers for
victory no later than 1916.

With A's moves and supposed press, I really think that E has A in his
pocket also.

Kaiser Willy Jr

Mike McMillie


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