The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Fall of 1912 in describe


Army Bulgaria SUPPORT Fleet Greece.
Fleet Greece SUPPORT Army Bulgaria.
Army Rumania SUPPORT Army Bulgaria.
Army Serbia SUPPORT Army Rumania.

Army Trieste -> Venice.
Army Tyrolia SUPPORT Army Trieste -> Venice.
 Won't succeed, but nothing better to do.

Army Galicia HOLD.
 Maybe I'll try to grab a Russian center next year.

 Unsurprisingly, he stabbed R for the solo.

Germany, Italy
 No communication.	I assume they're still aiding E.

 I asked him to take the lead in talking to IG.  Italy broadcasted
a rejection of R's plea.


		England's Fall 1912 Analysis:

		The stab went over without a hitch, thankfully, and unless Italy
goes abandoned and gets reincarnated as someone really annoying, I should
win this pretty soon.  Maybe next year, depending on what happens around
Munich this turn...
		There wasn't much conversation this turn, which isn't a surprise.

		Germany:  I did talk to him a bit.	We agreed on another set of
moves, a set that will get him into Berlin while I take Paris.	Russia has
approached Germany about trying to stop me, and Germany and I both agreed
that the best thing to do here was to lie to Russia and take Berlin from
him anyway.
		Italy:	Just gave him a set of moves.  He hasn't confirmed them
but I'm pretty sure he will.  He has absolutely no reason to stop me for
Russia's sake, as Russia was the one who put him into trouble anyway.  So
I'm not worried about him.
		Austria:  Just a brief exchange.  He said that there was no way he
could prevent the solo and he said he might be attacking Russia, just to
vent his frustration.  I don't really care what he does, as long as he
doesn't get any builds.	 A fleet in Trieste would annoy me, but that
wouldn't really be a threat to my win.
        Russia:  I wrote him right after the results, saying sorry and
blah blah blah.  He didn't write back.


		F Ion-Gre:	I have nothing to lose by going after Austria's
Greece, and since this might very well be supported by Italy's F Aeg, it
stands a little chance of succeeding.  I'd assume he'll have it covered,
but this is a keep him honest move.	 (Italy's other moves, by the way are
F Aeg S English F Ion-Gre and F EMed S F Aeg.  I don't want his F Aeg
getting dislodged.)	 For this turn, though, I either want to get into
Greece - which is fine - or stay in the Ionian, which is fine also.
		F Tyn-Rom:	Just taking Rome from Italy.  This will be one of the
four centres I gain this turn.
		F GoL-Tyn:	Moving a fleet up into the line.  I really don't have
to go anywhere past the Ionian to win, and so as long as I keep that
secure, I'm in good shape in the ocean.
		A Tuscany S Italian A Pie-Ven:	This move will also be supported
by Italy's F Apu, and it's guaranteed to succeed, since Austria can only
put two units on Venice.  Once Italy's in Venice, this army will just
support him in place, blocking off the Boot.
        F Mar-Pie:  This move will follow Italy's army, and block any
Austrian move to Piedmont in an attempt to get around Venice.  He might do
this now and he might do it in the future.	So this fleet is probably
going to hang here for a while, which is fine.	I've got more fleets
        A Pic-Par:  As Germany is going to Berlin, I'll take this from him
and keep him at three.	He has given me his approval on this.
		A Kie S German A Mun-Ber:  Here's the Berlin move.  This is
guaranteed to succeed.  Germany will also be doing A Ruh S A Bur-Mun.  I
don't know whether that will work, but Munich will still be safe
		A Den S F Nwy-Swe, F Nwy-Swe:  Things went like clockwork in the
North last turn, and this move is guaranteed to succeed, capturing Sweden.
I'm pretty sure the Russian army there will be packing up and going to
        F Nth-Nwy:  Since the move to Sweden will succeed, this fleet can
slip into Norway, capturing that as well.
        F Bal-GoB:  A very key offensive move, I think, as it prevents the
Russian fleet in StP(sc) from doing anything useful.  If I bounce him, I
achieved what I wanted to and kept him tied down.  If I don't bounce him,
that means he went to Finland or Livonia, both of which are fine with me
because I'll be sitting pretty in the GoB.  I've worked out that I
wouldn't be able to get StP by the end of next Fall (assuming optimal
Russian play, of course), and so I'm in no real hurry.  But I still don't
want to let him breathe.

        Pretty simple stuff actually.  I'm flirting with asking Germany to
change his orders to double bounce in Munich with A Ruh-Mun and A Bur-Mun.
After he gets to Berlin this turn, he can move that army back to a
hopefully clear Munich, let me slip into Berlin and Belgium, and he could
defend in place in Munich and stay alive while I get the win next Fall.
I think I'll talk to him about that, so his orders may change a little

        Lord Sheringham

 England's Builds for 1912:

 These units shouldn't be too important, although one of them will
end up in Belgium in the Fall if everything else goes correctly, but I
like to build things anyway.

 F Edinburgh:  This fleet will move to Nwg and then to the Barents
Sea, where it should be when the game ends after this Fall.  It's a
threatening position there.
 A Liverpool:  Just building an army because I like to have them
occasionally.  This will move to Edinburgh in the Spring and then convoy
over to Belgium come Fall.
 F London:	I'm moving out to the North Sea in Spring and then
convoying that army over in the Fall.

 The results went just fine, although I wasn't expecting to get
into GoB.  Russia was better off, in the long run at least, trying to
prevent that move.	I know he had to guard against F Nwy-StP(nc), but he
weakened his position by letting me into GoB.  Problem is, that's bad for
my short-term scenario of winning this year.  I need that fleet back in
the Baltic.  It's kind of annoying, but all will turn out okay in the end.
 I did talk to Italy, and asked him to remove F Apulia and F EMed.
No confirmation yet.  I ask for these two units because 1) he's going to
survive in Venice and so he needs that army and 2) with a F Aeg, I can
support him in place with F Ion and clog up the Austro-Russian fleets.
Not that I think they'll do anything, but I always have to assume that
my opponents will play optimally.  But as last turn shows, I think Austria
doesn't want to bother trying to stop me.  I feel like Secretariat coming
home in the 1973 Belmont...


No analysis submitted


---Overall impression---
E is going to win, it is only a matter of time. I think we still have
three more seasons of campaigning with and extra fall then to finish
the game. Italy and I are completely with England and given political
discourse between R/A it will result in the victory.

---1-Move Justification----
I still have three  units A Ruh, A Mun, and A Bur. I have had these,
in the same position, for the last 3+ years. All my movements have
been bounced, or I have used the armies to support.

A Munich to Berlin is designed to capture Berlin and deny a center
for Russia. I will not gain a center as Paris is being traded, but it
does feel good to be back in the capital of Germany. Further efforts
for this army will be to press eastward  (but A Prussia Stands in the
way as does A Sil) and vacate Berlin in favor of the English.

A Ruhr is supporting A Bur to Mun. This will bring the power of Bur
on line to support a further attack to the east or in the immediate
term to get an army into Tyr (mine or Italian). It also serves the
purpose of keeping the Austrian or Russian out of Munich and at worst
would bounce a support an army from Tyrolia or Silesia

---2- Intentions with regards to other powers---
A-By being aligned with E, I am effectively at war with A. Except for
a possible support or attack from Munich into Tyr (to be coordinated
with E/I), I don't see much further interaction with or against him.
R-I am in an undeclared war and have become the front line for the
English against R. My future actions will depend on what removals he
will accomplish in the Winter adjustments. I anticipate that the
armies opposite me will remain and the Army in Finland to be
disbanded. With English Support from Kiel, R should not be able to
destroy me.
I-I have not had press relations with I for some time. All our moves
come from/are coordinated with E. Perhaps I will be able to support
him in the Spring, but other than operating with a common ally
(England), there is little we have in common.
E-I will continue to be his partner in crime. His personal press has
kept me interested in the game and his concern for my lone goal,
survival, makes me happy I sided with him early on. I will continue
to suggest moves to him for my forces, and will follow what orders he
gives me.

---3-Overall situation---
England now has the ducks lined up and will conquer the world. E
thinks he can do it in 1913. I'm a little more sceptical though and
think it will drag on another season. This assumes the Russian and
Austrian can get together on things, and put up a stubborn defense.

Austria at least seems to be trying a defense, unlike what I
previously thought. R is trying hard too, but will lose in the south,
center or north.

Thanks for the opportunity to play.

Kaiser Willy Jr

Mike McMillie


No analysis submitted


No analysis submitted


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