The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Spring of 1911 in describe


Army Serbia SUPPORT Army Rumania.

Army Silesia -> Munich.
Army Bohemia SUPPORT Army Silesia -> Munich.
Army Tyrolia SUPPORT Army Silesia -> Munich.
	I'm talking with G to try and work something out, but I'll keep
hitting mun to try and not tip off to E that something might be in the
	Also, I can use these armies to atack R if I choose to do so.

Army Trieste HOLD.
	It's looking like I may have to attack either Italy or R.  So, I
leave this army positioned to take ven.

Fleet Bulgaria (south coast) HOLD.
Army Rumania SUPPORT Fleet Bulgaria (south coast).
    Defense.  In the event I end up fighting either Italy or R, I'll
need units down in the Balkans.


	No communication.

	As far as I can tell, he's determined to attack Italy.  Naturally,
Italy will attempt to throw the game to E, but R does not seem very
concerned about this.
    I made a mistake over the last couple of years.  I should have
started talking to the new (current) G when he took over and attacked R
last fall, while G went after E.  Instead, we now have R getting ready to
attack Italy which will likely end up as an English solo.

    We talked about him attack E and my attacking R this fall, but it
may be too late for that.  R will likely end up with some builds by taking
Italian centers in Turkey.  So while I probably could slip into sev, get G
into ber, and get gal, it wouldn't be enough to cripple R in the event R
gets ank and/or smy.  (Also, any Russian disbands would be f stp or a
swe).  I would end up bogged down in a messy stalemated war while E grinds
down Italy and probably takes care of G eventually as well.

	Announced to RA that he was moving fleets out of Turkey to fight
E. He said that if RA tries any funny business, he will throw the game to
	It's a pretty sure thing at this time that R will attack Italy,
and nothing I say can sway him to do otherwise.	 The question is what can
I do to keep E from winning.


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Last updated on Sat, Sept 27, 1997.