The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Fall of 1911 in describe


Army Tyrolia SUPPORT Army Trieste -> Venice.
Army Trieste -> Venice.
	I decided to to attack Italy.  Not that I think it's the smart
thing to do, but things are looking like bad no matter what I do.  I
probably won't be able to progress much further than ven, since IE can
conspire to keep me out of rom and nap long enough for E to get them.

Army Bohemia -> Vienna.
Army Silesia -> Bohemia.
	Moving armies south to deal with Italy.	 Frees up G to go after E.
Also diminishes G's value to E, so maybe E will go ahead and finally take
par and bel.

Army Serbia -> Bulgaria.
Fleet Bulgaria (south coast) -> Greece.
Army Rumania SUPPORT Army Serbia -> Bulgaria.
    Need to protect gre and bul from Italian fleets.


    No communication.

    I was unable to convince R that attack Italy was foolish unless he
could 1) protect scandinavia, 2) deny E nap and rom, and 3) take into
account Italy throwing the game to E.
    I thought about attacking R, but it looks like he will get both
ank and/or smy.  So while I could get sev, Any attack on him would be
hopeless, while Italy would probably still throw the game to E.
    I have no idea why R is so oblivious to the obvious threat of an
Englsih solo coming.

    Little communication.  We didn't talk enough for AIG vs ER to be a
serious option.

	Little communication, so couldn't get an AIG alliance.  I will
assume he's going to throw the game to E given that R is going to
attack him.	 So, I decided to attack Italy to get as many Italian centers
as I can before E gets them.  More likely, I'll only be able to pick up
ven.  Maybe by some miricle R is right about not worrying about E
getting the solo.


    England's Build for Winter 1911:

	Build Fleet London:

	I flirted with building an army, but that seemed pointless.
Building a fleet in Edinburgh would be a big tip-off to Russia, and
building in Liverpool seemed dumb, as to make that fleet effective I'd
have to move it out to NAt this Spring and that is also a tip-off.  So
it's going to be in London, which is a good place to have it.
	I spent a bit of time looking at the position before this build,
and after Italy disbands the A NAf and F Tyn that I asked him to and
Russia builds A Mos (the only place he can build), I think I've found a
good method to secure Italy from Austrian aggression and to attack Russia
strongly.  I'll get into these moves next turn - assuming that the
diplomatic possibilties are still there - but my general strategy is to
keep Germany strong as a buffer and nibble at the Italian and Russia
centres.  (Well, the Italian centres will be done after this year, except
for Venice, as I've promised to keep Italy alive.  This isn't much of a
hassle, since it's convenient to keep Austria out of the peninsula.)
Eventually, with my naval strength, I'll win no matter what AR do.

	Lord Sheringham


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