The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Spring of 1910 in describe


Army Bohemia SUPPORT Army Silesia -> Munich.
Army Tyrolia SUPPORT Army Silesia -> Munich.
Army Silesia -> Munich.
	Going for mun again.

Fleet Constantinople -> Bulgaria (south coast).
Army Bulgaria -> Serbia.
	Exchanging ser for con with Italy.

Army Rumania HOLD.
	Defense against R.

Army Trieste HOLD.
	Leaves me the option of attacking Italy, although at this point I
don't want to do so.


    New German player.  I didn't reply to any of his messages.	 I
figure he's still pretty much in E's pocket, holding the stalemate line
for E.

England, Russia
	They want me to attack Italy.  Naturally, E loves this idea since
with his naval superiority it gives him an opening for a solo win.	R
wants this so he doesn't have to attack one of his allies (myself and E).
I said I was willing, as long as one of them came up with a workable plan
that would make sure E doesn't get a solo.  However, R seems totally
oblivious to the danger of an English solo.

	Exchanging ser for con.	 This will likely annoy R, as R wanted
con too, even though I did tell R he was going to have to work something
out with Italy over con.

	No communication.


	"And for my third wish, genie, I wish that Tsar Nicholas in my
game describe would decide to do something useful, namely attack Austria."
	Or something like that.	 Russia is really infuriating me.  Austria
was the first to use the word Care-Bear in reference to Russia, and that
term which Dippers use to denote someone who will play totally honest and
not attack anyone seems to fit Russia perfectly.
	So, unless Russia goes abandoned, I don't really have many
options.  If he did abandon, this game would be so much more exciting.
    Enough of my ranting.
    The way I see it, there's not much I can do.	 Russia says he won't
attack either Austria or myself (which limits his offensive options a bit)
and he goes so far as to suggest an EAR three-way draw.  This draw plan is
fine with me, as there is no Italy in it, and after Austria stabbed Italy
of course I'd have the run of the Med and I should be able to win the game
(barring an Austrian naval construction program the likes of which the
world has never seen).	Of course, Austria also told me privately that I
was being ridiculous because we both knew that if Italy were attacked, I'd
win and Austria wouldn't want to make things that easy.
	So, impasse, and I get to see how lamely I can attack Italy.


	Russia:	 He said something about that fleet build in StP being
allowed for in our pact, and that's fine.  If he betrays me now I can
rightfully call him the most pitiful hypocrite of all time.  He said that
he won't attack either A or myself, wants an EAR and refuses to do
anything himself.  It's amusing to me that he asks Austria and myself to
do all the dirty work, so that his conscience doesn't get stained.
	Austria:  When I hadn't heard back from Russia regarding the fleet
build in StP, I asked Austria what he would think about just getting all
this over with and getting to the (very likely) EAI draw.  He said sure -
no surprise there - and such a draw is much his preference to the EAR,
because it makes the threat of an English win very small.  After EAR
floated around, he said that he'd have to have some concessions
(especially Munich) to allay his fears.	 Austria's far too smart to do
anything dumb.  He's just trying to get me to lose my patience and attack
Russia, at which point he'll join in and get a solid 3-way draw.  But he
wants me to go first, but in a rare show of patience, I'm declining for
	Germany:  We have a new Germany, and he's even nicer than the
last.  Will order some very cooperative orders and is willing to do some
diplomatic dirty work to help an English solo (as long as I keep him
alive).  Terrific play on his part - gets to have some fun and be useful,
and help me in the process.
    France:  Told him basically that I'm sorry he's still alive for
another year.
    Italy:  Didn't say anything to him, and this has been going on for
a while.  Allying with Italy is an option I thought about, of course, but
to get his cooperation I'd have to give up Spa and Mar and there's no
guarantee he'd attack Austria thereafter.  Kind of iffy.  So this would
be the last resort.


    F Bal-Ber, A Kie S German A Mun:  I'm keeping that German army in
place for another turn.	 I think AR expect me to give up Mun in the Fall,
but I haven't decided about that yet.  At the least, I don't want a
hostile German army running around in the back, especially since he seems
so cooperative now.	 The F Bal-Ber, of course, is to cut the Russian
unit's support for Austria's attack.
	F Nth S A Hol, A Hol H:	 I think these are the moves I ordered.
It's been a while since I put them in.  I'm just going to keep these guys
in place until they can be useful, which would be anti-Russian.
	F Lon-Eng:	I'm putting this fleet out to sea, and since F Nth
ain't going anywhere, the Eng is the place to go.
	F Por S F MAt:	Italy's very interesting fleet shift to NAf and
WMed gives him an opportunity to go for the MAt with two units, and I have
to prevent this from happening, however unlikely it is that he would try
it.  Losing MAt would be a disaster right now.
    A Gas S F Spa(sc)-Mar:  There might be German support for this
move, which is dumb of me to ask for and I'm hoping that I didn't.  (Makes
Germany and me seem too buddy-buddy, which is bad for any diplomatic
chicanery next turn.)  Regardless, this should dislodge the French army
and will most likely eliminate him if Italy moves A Ven-Pie (as he
should).  Either way, it's time for France to go.
	F MAt Convoys A Bre-Spa, A Bre-MAt-Spa:	 I had to keep F MAt in
place in order to keep the space secure, and since I was doing that, I
figured I might as well try a convoy into Spain to either bounce an
Italian fleet moving there or to get an army there with this move.	In the
Fall, assuming I get into Marseilles with my fleet, I can try to move that
fleet out into GoL (if it's still vacant) and still retain Marseilles with
A Gas S A Spa-Mar.  There are several options.

    Diplomatically, things are very tight now and no one wants to
attack anyone.  The only combat going on in the board is at Munich and in
the Western Med.  Kind of boring.
    For next turn, I think I'm going to work hard on Austria, to try
to convince him that I'm relegated to the three-way of EAI and to see if
possibly I can get him to attack Russia next turn or maybe next year.  I
don't know.	 But I think it's time to play hardball, and if Russia gets
annoyed with my sneaky tricks, that's fine, I'll just take StP off him and
tell Austria that Russia is now his problem.
    Such a vicious game, this Diplomacy...

    Lord Sheringham

    Oops, wrong moves.

    A Gas S A Bre-Spa:  I did this because I knew (in retrospect) that
Germany would be ordering the support and I could use A Gas to make sure I
got my army into Spain.  Kind of a dumb move, now that I think about it.

    Thoughts on the S1910 results:

    Italy and Austria are obviously trading Con and Ser (probably
Italy's idea) and this shows just how interested they are in sticking
together, as it makes it harder for Austria to stab Italy.	I'm glad to
see this move, as I can show Russia that Austria has no intention of
breaking up with I and would rather attack R.
    Everything else went according to plan.

    Lord Sheringham


No analysis submitted


In the last moves I saw:

F Smy S F Aeg-Con   *****Italy
F Aeg-Con

A Ank S F Con            ******Russia
F Sev-Bla

F Con-Bul                    ******Austria
A Bul-Ser

I ask myself, what is going on down there? Do they need a mediator to
direct traffic? Perhaps they need a dance coordinator as they do the
"Black Sea Boogie"?

Did Austria Get Stabbed (he looks to be losing an SC)? Is Italy going
after Russia? And who is protecting the borsch in Sev? Has this game
always been this hard to decipher?

Just sign me confused.

Kaiser Willy Jr
Leader of  Whats left of

I have taken over a position with very little prospects of winning,
and very little prosects of doing much more than getting chewed up
quickly. My strategy is to pick one friend, become a slave, and try
to survive. If someone is eliminated they cannot win. But as long as
you have a unit left, there is always hope.

The big alliance is E/A/R. With DIAS rules I must be eliminated for
them to win. I have appealed to all the powers that I can help them
to a single victory.

Consequently, I have decided to side with England, He could easily
swat me off the map, but then he is stuck with an R/A that could be
very hostile. E and I are the only ones who have even communicated
with me. I guess I have fallen below the threshold for R/A and F.

For E, a slave relationship will allow him to concentrate his powers
on the flanks.

---1-Move Justification----
I have three  units A Ruh A Mun and A Bur

My goal with A Mun and A Ruh is just to survive and continue to hang
on to Mun. This will slow A down. I am expecting an attack from Sil
with Support from Boh, Tyr and the Russian in Ber. England will help
with A Kie S and F Bal cutting support. This should keep me in Munich
for the season. I will use the inplace A Mun to support Austrian A
Sil-Berlin and claim fowl to R when A doesn't do that. It should put
a little doubt in R's mind.

This leaves A Bur. My best shot is to help E get into Mar and get
around the Italian blockade of the Western Med. I offered to support
A Gas-Mar (which I thought was his best move), but E wanted support
of F Spa (sc)-Mar. He is getting that. This should dislodge France,
and then allow me to support Mun in turns to come.

Pretty much covers the moves. Simple position, simple strategy and

---2- Intentions with regards to other powers---
A-He has not contacted me. My goal is to get him thinking about R.
R-He also has sent no press. My goal is to get him suspicious of A
and then to support E against him in Ber sometime in the future.
F-Get him off the board quickly by knocking him out of Mar.
I-I would like to get him to roll over and be a submember (like
myself of the E alliance). E should offer him survival and I should
try hard to keep A/R involved in the Balkans. This would speed E
victory and let I survive. Else, I fear, he will have to be
eliminated in favor of R/A/E which means I too must be sent to the
E-Do whatever I can to stay in his good graces and become a key part
of his defensive strategy in the middle and make him work on the
corners of the board. Eventually, I will surrender 1 or 2 SCs to help
him gain victory.

---3-Overall situation---
I hope E takes the bait and decides to eventual for for the single
victory and shead himself of A/R. If that is the case, then I must
also work to get R and A thinking they cannot win together and that a
stab in the SE corner of the board is appropriate. This will be a
tough sell, but worth a try. I thing A/R is to tight an alliance.

I hope this satisfies your requirements for analysis.
Kaiser Willy Jr


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Last updated on Sat, Sept 27, 1997.