The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Fall of 1910 in describe


Army Silesia -> Munich.
Army Bohemia SUPPORT Army Silesia -> Munich.
Army Tyrolia SUPPORT Army Silesia -> Munich.
	Usual attempt at mun.

Fleet Bulgaria (south coast) HOLD.
Army Rumania SUPPORT Fleet Bulgaria (south coast).
Army Serbia SUPPORT Fleet Bulgaria.
	In case IR try anything funny.	I don't need to support rum,
becuase if it's dislodged I can retreat to sev and give R major headaches.

Army Trieste HOLD.
	In case IR does anything funny, I can attack Italy to throw the
game to E.


No serious communication.

No communication, but I assume we both know fighting each other is

A bit annoyed about Italy getting con, since he wanted it.	Hopefully, it
won't push him into attacking me.

He had earlier suggested that I attack R.  I told him I was open to the
idea, but he he never replied.



    F MAt-Spa(sc), F Por S F MAt-Spa(sc), F Mar S F MAt-Spa(sc):
Germany will be ordering A Bur S F Mar, and so I'm guaranteed to stay in
Mar to end French resistance once and for all.	So my priority is now on
getting three fleets in the Med against Italy's two, and so I need to put
a fleet in Spa(sc), and that's F MAt.  F Mar is available to support, as
is F Por, and this move should succeed unless Italy cuts Mar support and
puts two units into Spain.	Regardless, I still keep Spain and can get
that fleet in later.  To expedite things, I want it in there now.
	F Eng-MAt:	This is to provide backup, and also to protect the MAt
from any Italian incursion.
	A Gas-Bre:	This army is not necessary to defend Mar, and as I
need to create space for A Spa to move to, I'll move out to Brest.
    A Spa-Gas:  I want a fleet in Spain, and so I'll move this army
out into Gas.  On reflection, convoying to Spain might have been a weak
move, but I had to protect the MAt and I had to do my best to protect
Spain, so it served some purpose.
	A Kie S A Mun, F Bal-Ber:  Same old stuff, protecting Germany in
Mun and cutting the Russian support for the Austrian attack.
	F Nth C A Ank-Swi, A Hol H:	 The first is a joke order, and the
latter is another effort on my part to keep my A Hol occupied.

	The potential is now there for an English explosion into the Med,
but I need Russian help to do it.  But at least I now have something to
exploit diplomatically, which is kind of the thing I do best.  If Russia
holds up his end of the bargain, which he should, I think there is a good
chance of a solo.

	Lord Sheringham
	England's Comments on F1910M:

    God what an atrocious turn!  The only units that moved were a few
of mine and the Russian move to Sweden (which I knew about).  You'd think
everyone is taking geritol or something.
	Anyway, I'm confident that this will be the last of the boring
years, and that Russia will put some pressure on Italy next year which in
turn will put Austria into a bit of diplomatic trouble, a situation I
should be able to exploit.

    Lord Sheringham


No analysis submitted


---Overall impression---
I must still maintain a slave relationship to E, but it appears that
soon I will be useless to him as he continues to grow. This of course
depends on how close A/R are.

---1-Move Justification----
I still have three  units A Ruh, A Mun, and A Bur.

My continued goal with A Mun and A Ruh is just to survive and
continue to hang on to Mun.  I am expecting an attack from Sil with
Support from Boh, Tyr and the Russian in Ber. As last time, England
will help with A Kie S and F Bal cutting support. This should keep me
in Munich for the season. I will use the inplace A Mun to support
Russian A Ber-Sil to try and get the Czar to talk to me. My last
support of A Sil-Ber got A's attention last move.

This leaves A Bur. I have agreed with Eng to support F Mar and give
him an extra SC with which to build.

Pretty much covers the moves.

---2- Intentions with regards to other powers---
A-I may actually switch sides if I can convince A that an attack of R
is needed. I have been saying all along to him that R is a threat now
that he has no other enemies. I expect the Czar to send his forces
against A in 1911.
R-He is very non-commital and can serve no help for me. I don't know
what his long term alliances are, but suspect he and E are in
I-I am against Italy as part of my servitude to E. He has not
contacted me after his initial messages.
E-I will continue to roll-over and do whatever I must to stay in his
good graces and continue to be a key part of his defensive strategy
in the middle and make him work on the corners of the board. 

---3-Overall situation---
I expect E to align with R in 1911 and go after I and myself. R will
be in a position to go after A. If A strikes first, he may preempt
the Bear, but I doubt he has the will to do it.

Italy will continue to fight a defensive battle versus E, but should
loose that in around 3 seasons.

I think it will only be a matter of time before E gets into the Med
and can gain a number of centers. I expect him to eventually stab the
czar (long after I'm gone) and take the requiset 18 SCs for victory.

Kaiser Willy Jr

Mike McMillie


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No analysis submitted


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