The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Fall of 1909 in describe


Army Bohemia SUPPORT Army Silesia -> Munich.
Army Tyrolia SUPPORT Army Silesia -> Munich.
Army Silesia -> Munich.
	Keep on trying for mun.	 Won't succeed, but it will at least keep
EG a bit occupied.

Army Bulgaria SUPPORT Fleet Constantinople.
    Defend con against T.

Fleet Constantinople SUPPORT Russian Army Armenia -> Ankara.
    Hadn't heard from R what he wanted, so I did this again.

Army Rumania SUPPORT Army Bulgaria.
	Staying in rum to maintain units in defense against R.

Army Vienna -> Trieste.
	Italy's move into ven made me a bit nervous.  I'm still worried
that Italy will attack me.	Also, this puts me in a better position to
carry a threat to throw the game to E if it becomes necessary.	Any
offensive moves against me by R or Italy, and I can attack Italy to help
let E into the med.

	No serious talks.

	I'm not sure what he's doing swithing sides to E.  He needs to
keep E and Italy at war as much as I do, but he's in now in danger of
being rubbed out by EG.

    No communication

    He appealed to me for help, but I can't do it.  It's not worth
the cost of angering RI, even if I would like having a weak T around to
potentially cuase trouble for R or Italy.

    His moves stay friendly, but I don't like his relative lack of
communication.	I didn't like his move to ven.  It could be in
preparation of attacking me, or an indication of an alliance with EG.
Perhaps F aiding E is part of an EIFG scheme?

    Not much hint of what he will do after T is eliminated.  Not much
communication with him.


    Diplomacy?  What diplomacy?
    Since last turn's results, I heard from exactly two people, those
being France and Turkey.  They didn't really say too much.  My main ally,
Russia, decided to say nothing at all and Italy and Austria continued
their radio silence.  I send a letter to every player immediately after
results, and only hearing back from two people is extremely disappointing,
as it indicates that the others are losing interest and energy in this
    In view of this lessened "game energy", I've decided to damn the
torpedoes and go for the gusto and go for the win.	Not that I haven't
been aiming toward this all along, but now I'm going for it with more
	I have a few reasons for this.	Russia, unless he's a total
hypocrite, will stay with me until I attack him.  He appreciates honesty
and I've been honest with him all along.	 Austria and Italy can
diplomicize too, but if they're not writing anyone then they can't do
much.  If I don't win this, it will be a three-way draw, most likely EAI.
    My strategy here is to drive through the Med like a Mack truck,
casting Italian fleets aside like the flimsy balsa wood shells that they
are.  Italy and Austria have little naval strength, and if I can get to
Tunis I might have a chance.  That will most likely be the 18th centre
that I need - the others are currently owned by Russia and Germany, and if
I get that far I'll deal with them later.  But first, I have to break
Italy in half.

	Talking to some of the other players:

	Turkey:	 I said hello.	He said hello back.	 I complained that no
one was playing anymore.  He didn't respond.
    France:  I think this is France's last turn.	The Spring went
well, and I offered him a move into Spain so that he could get a fleet
build to help me in Marseilles.	 (I really need fleets in the Med.)	 He
liked this idea, but then I reconsidered and figured that it would be much
better to have an English fleet in Marseilles.	Of course, I didn't tell
him this, instead saying that in order to get an edge in the western Med,
it would be more useful if he waited for a year to move into Spain.
Instead, I suggested, he should move A Mar-Pie to bounce that likely
Italian army's return to Piedmont.	He agreed to this.
	Germany:  Didn't get anything back, but I gave him a set of orders
that would help.  He's been following my orders, so I don't really have
any worries here.  Hopefully, his A Bur S F Spa(sc)-Mar will spell the end
of France and the beginning of the assault on Italy.
    Russia, Austria, Italy:  They didn't write back.


	F Spa(sc)-Mar:	This will be helped by the German support, and as
France is most likely not getting any support from Italy's F GoL, this
will be the end of France.  Getting a fleet into Mar is very key because I
need some force to bust the western end of the Med open.
    F Por-Spa(sc), F MAt S F Por-Spa(sc), A Gas S F Por-Spa(sc):  I
ordered this probably overstrong move to make sure of Spain.  I'm pretty
sure of getting Mar, but I want to get Spain as well, and that means
putting three units on Spain to guard against the two Italian fleets.

	F Nth S F Hol:	A waste of time move.  I'm not interested in
attacking Russia yet, but I need to keep a fleet here expressly for that
    A Hol S A Kie:  Also pretty much a waste here, but I don't want to
encroach on Germany at all when he's providing such essential service, and
this is also the army that I intend to convoy to Norway when the time
comes, so I want to keep it on the North Sea coast.
    A Kie S A Mun:  Supporting the German army to make sure that he
doesn't get dislodged from Mun.
	F Bal-Ber:	I'm pretty sure Russia is doing the same order as last
time, trying to support Austria into Munich.  This move will cut that
support and keep Germany in Mun.
    A Bre H:  Nothing to do except stay near Paris in case I need to
take it from Germany.  Also gives the option of convoying through the MAt
to NAf or something like that.

    That's about it.

	Lord Sheringham

	England's Adjustments for Fall 1909:

    B F Lon:  I need more fleets, it seems, and I'll choose this one
instead of F Lpl for mainly one reason, and that's a better attack
possibility on Belgium.  I don't really need the armies now.  That's for

    Comment on the moves:  I don't know what is up with Germany and
why he didn't support my move because he hasn't said anything.	Very
disappointing, and now I can count on France being difficult.

	Lord Sheringham


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