The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Fall of 1907 in describe


Army Bulgaria SUPPORT Army Rumania.
Army Rumania SUPPORT Army Bulgaria.
	Defense against T (and maybe R).

Fleet Greece -> Aegean Sea.
	Positioning to attack T.

Army Galicia -> Silesia.
Army Bohemia SUPPORT Army Tyrolia -> Munich.
Army Tyrolia -> Munich.
	I decided to attack G.	With R getting centers and building
armies, I need some builds to keep up.	Supporting G was a losing cause,
especially after R told me he intended to build armies to attack G.	 So I
get a build by taking mun, and from sil I'm positioned to at attack ber.

    I'm commited to eliminating him.

	He's still hanging in there, although Italy is starting to think
about taking mar.  I told Italy I felt it was better to go for spa (E has
to choose between gaurding spa or retaking bre) rather than take mar to
weaken E first and give Italy a better position against E.  If Italy gets
the upper hand against E. mar can be taken at F's leasure.

	The deal I made with Italy regarding T was for me to get ser
while he gets all of T's home centers.  At a later time, Italy will
provide assitance to me in taking sev.  I didn't really want to try and
hold a piece of T; it's too easy to start fightin each other over the
spoils.  The bul-con border is a more natural border between Austrian and
Italian holdings.  Anyways ser and sev would give me a net gain of 2
centers, while 3 Turk centers minus ser would give Italy a net gain of 2
    However, I may have to hold of on going for sev depending on how
things look.  That would mean R will want a piece of T, so fighting over
Turk centers may well develop.

    He's realized I'm not going to attack Italy anytime soon.  I
believe one reason he's conceeding R centers in scandinavia to build R up
as a land to power to oppose me.  Since I've decided to attack G, it
makes us short term allies in G.  After that, things aren't so clear.

	G is a sinking ship, so I've decided to grab what I can.  At
best, G survives in ber/mun.  Holding ber/mun myself (or ber by R) would
work just as well.  Also, R has targeted G, so it became likely G would
be gone no matter what I did.

    He's growing into a major land power which I don't like.  I'm
getting worried that given a choice between E and myself, he will choose
allinace with E since he has got along better with E during this game.	R
wants to attack G once he's secure against T.

Builds an army in Vienna
    I feel safe about my southern front for now, so I built in the
north.  I expect R to build armies in war and mos, so I need something to
counter R's presence.

	I made some vague statements obout cooperating against G.  Also,
I inquired how willing he would be to attack R after G is eliminated.

	No communication with him.

	No communication.

	I recieved a message from him that appeared to be intended for
England.  Basically it said that once each side had established their
positions at Gibralter, they would let each other go their separate
ways.  While Italy didn't explicitly say he would attack me, it certainly
could be interperted that way.
    I suggested to Italy that E position at gibralter may not be so
sound, if E has to face an attack by AR, so Italy might like to keep on
trying to attack E.  But, I got no response.

    I made overtures hoping to keep him from throwing things to E and
trying to get revenge on me.  I explained my reasoning (my supporting him
was a losing cause, especially with Russia wanting to attack G), and I
suggested I would like to see him survive in France.  However, he did not

    R's been pressuring me for the return of rum, which I'm unwilling
to do.	So I offered to give up my claim on Turk home centers (which I
had already done with Italy anyways) and ber would go to him in exchange
for letting me keep rum.  Also, I argued that see he was seeing
substantial growth by taking centers in scandinavia and Turkey
(supposedly down the road), I needed to retain rum to maintain equality
with him.  Otherwise, I would be getting only mun and ser, while he gains
ber, nor, swe, 1-2 Turk home centers, and den(maybe).  However, he did
not respond.


	Sorry about the late moves.	 The judge was down last night when I
wanted to write this up, and so I decided to wait until the morning so as
not to mess with the judge.

	England's Fall 1907 Analysis:

    Germany guessed right.  Darn him.  I didn't really think he'd
move to Picardy but I guess he was thinking that I wouldn't think that he
wouldn't think I'd go there or whatever.  Tactically, everything else
went pretty well and it seems that Italy is content to have me bottled up
in the end of the Med and so I don't have to worry about an expulsion
campaign yet.
    Diplomatically, a very frustrating turn.  I had feared that
relations would get very difficult with people because of my stab, and
that seems to be happening.

    In order of correspondence:

    Russia & Turkey:  Turkey was replaced by a very cooperative
fellow who I quickly briefed on the history of the game.  Since he still
really didn't know what was going on, I suggested that he try to ally
with Russia against AI and attack Rumania via convoy this turn with
Russia's help.  Russia, however, has taken a weird view - he won't
cooperate with this Turkey because he doesn't know him, even though the
guy seems nice and he wasn't the Turk who took Sevastopol.	 Part of this
might be Russia's honesty policy, but I'm guessing that he's trying to
use it as a cover to hide how much he and Austria are getting along.  I
tried to point out to Russia that attacking Turkey would aid AI much more
than it aided him, and he agreed.  Which makes his attacking Turkey for
the sake of the unknown even weirder.  Turkey asked that I write his
moves for him, which I did.
    Austria:  Diplomatic relations with Austria have fallen off,
mainly because of his outlandish claims about what the German centre
split should be.  As I now understand it, he believes that I should give
Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Berlin to Russia and Kiel and Munich to
Austria, and also give Russia the right to station armies in
Scandinavia.  I don't know what planet Austria is from.  He says that it
would be wise on my part, if I'm looking for a draw, to let some powers
on the other side of the board get larger in order to eliminate some the
weaker powers (I assume Italy and Turkey).  The problem with this is:  1)
it's assuming that I want a draw (not yet) and 2) it gives far too much
power to AR, power which I don't think they've earned.
	Italy:	Said hello, tried to be nice, maybe tried to raise his
suspicions about Austria.  Serbia and Venice are so wide open right now;
actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Austria stabbed since things are so
set to do so.  That's about it.
	France:	 Told him that he could expect non-aggression from me
this turn.
	Germany:  Nothing.	When I'm at war with someone, I don't talk.
The previous German kept talking to France when he was invading about
blah blah blah, trying to get him to make a mistake.  It worked, but it
was kind of shameful after a while.	 I prefer cold silence.


	The assault on Germany continues.  Since Russia is taking Norway
this year, I had to gain at least one centre to offset that loss.
Denmark will suffice for this.	However, Germany's move to Picardy put
both Bel and Hol at risk, and I had to figure out a way that I get or
keep at least two of Bel-Hol-Kie and also keep all my armies alive.  Two
of three is easy, but more important is to keep A Hol alive for next
year.  So I made my plans with this in mind, and I should at least stay
even for this year... Spain might be a problem, but I'll risk it.

	F WMed S F Spa(sc):	 A very cosmetic move, since if Italy wants
French help to move to Spain, this support could easily be cut with F
Tyn-WMed.  In the event that he doesn't, it looks very pro-Italy and
maybe I'll earn some points for this.	 This fleet can be attacked itself,
but it would have somewhere to retreat to, most likely North Africa.
	F Spa(sc) S French A Mar:  More likely from Italy's point of view
is taking Mar from France, so this move is designed to prevent Italy from
getting a build.  If he tries and his move fails, I can always talk about
balance of power blah blah blah and whatever else I can come up with.  I
won't earn points with Italy for this one, but he's been making the same
order himself and so I don't see how he can accuse me of anything.
	A Wales-Brest, F Eng C A Wales-Brest, F Mid-Atlantic S A
Wales-Brest:  This move will succeed, which is nice, and I'll have an
army in France come next turn.  I'll worry where Germany retreats to later.
	A Den and F Bal S A Hol-Kie:  This move makes sure that A Hol
doesn't get dislodged.  If Germany supports A Kie with both A Ruh and A
Mun, he holds in Kie and nothing happens.  If he does anything other than
that (such as A Kie S A Ruh-Hol and A Mun ???) then I get my army into
Kiel.  Keeping the army in Denmark is essential, of course, because I
have to capture it.
    A London-Belgium and F Nth C A Lon-Bel:  Another move Germany
might do is A Bur or Ruhr supports the other to Belgium.  In that case,
he will get Belgium  but I will have gotten into Kiel, Holland will be
safe and I'll be even.	If he defends Kiel with three and moves A
Bur-Bel, this move will bounce, leaving Belgium open and my army safe in
Holland and I'll be even.  I don't expect this move to work, obviously,
but I might as well do it since if it succeeds, that will be a big plus.

	Tactically, things are fine, but I'm beginning to worry about
Russia and that he might be warming up to Austria.  In fact, Russia asked
what I thought about a three-way endgame of ARE.  I'm not sure right now.
	Austria is playing it very smart, albeit not in a way that I
like.  No doubt he and Germany are on non-aggression terms, as Austria
doesn't want to give me anything just as I don't want to give him
anything.  He's in a very crucial position in the centre.
    Well, let's see how this goes.

	Lord Sheringham

	England's Adjustment for Winter 1907:

    Remove F WMed

    The great Med campaign is over.  I've got to clear house in
Germany and France first.  Once I do this then I might go back to the
Med, but I can't afford to remove any other unit this turn.  Besides,
this might make it easier to get along with Italy.

    Lord Sheringham

    England's Fall 1907 retreat:

	F Spa(sc)-Portugal

	No real doubt about this one, since it's the only place I can
go.  It's convenient also, because I can block the Atlantic with F Por, F
MAt and maybe F Eng if really necessary.
	Overall though, this is kind of disappointing.	I'm almost sure
that Russia has switched sides and will be building a fleet in St. Pete.
To that end, I'll probably end up disbanding F WMed and concentrate on
getting StP and eliminate all possibility of northern fleets.
	Should be fun.

	Lord Sheringham


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