The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Spring of 1906 in describe


Army Rumania HOLD.
Army Bulgaria HOLD.
	I think it's only a matter of time before T attacks me, so I'm
leaving 2 units behind to defend against him.  T can do smy-aeg, con-bla,
ank-con to take bul.

Fleet Trieste -> Albania.
	From alb, I can go to gre against T, ion against E.

Army Silesia -> Prussia.
	G has so many armies, and I have no indication that E will stab
G.	Might as well start fighting G now while R is available to help me.
R requested this move, to cut pru s war.

Army Bohemia -> Galicia.
	If G gets dislodged from war, I don't want G retreating to gal.
Also, it is likely that sil will get dislodged, so this gives a place for
sil to retreat to.

Army Vienna -> Tyrolia.
    Can't let G into tyr.

	It's looking like AR could have a line of tyr-boh-gal-war-mos,
which can put up a good defense, although it is two units short of a
stalemate line.  And having T in the rear puts me in a bad position.

    I hinted that I would stab Italy if he stabbed G, but got no
response.  With G having nothing but armies, G will attack me.  I need E
to stab G.

    Should be around a bit longer hlding mar against E.

    He demanded my withdraw from boh and sil.  With war already his,
stp on the verge of falling, there's not much more of R left.  If I
allied with G, I'll end up with German armies in mun - mos probably.  G
has not fleets, so he will attack me.

    His armies will be needed against G.  If T attacks R, I'll try to
arrange to have T armies replacing R's armies against G.

    I could take ven and ser, but to do so in the spr could lead to
disaster.  Depending on how things look, a fall stab to get 2 builds might
be worthwhile.

    Hopefully, he won't attack m this move, since I could lose bul.
That would get AIR eliminated by EGT eventually.  Maybe AIT's "mutually
assured destruction pact" (EGT will eliminate AI eventually, so AI will
attack T all out to eliminate him) will deter him.
    If T attacks R, he'll be able to take sev.  From there, I think
it's likely he'll come after me next.  AR vs GT would be very bad for me.

Analysis Spr06 retreat

Army  Silesia -> Bohemia.
	Only retreat available.	 Gives me tyr-boh-gal against G.

	No communication with him.	Germany abandoned, but I haven't
heard anything from his replacement.

    I tried to get him to stab G.  But I didn't commit completely to
stabbing Italy, which I think he was looking for.  So, I may have
inadvertantly scared him off from stabbing G.  E will have an easier time
in the short run grabbing bre, swe, den, hol from G.  But E is smart to
consider the long term.	 Sticking with EG it's will at worst (from E's
view) end as a EGT 3 way draw.	Stabbing G may not improve his long term
prospects much, especially if the other powers band to form a
stop-the-leader-allinace, since that could concievably end up as a large

	AIF agreed that F should "beg" for mercy from E and try to get E
to stab G.

	I'm positive E is trying to get him to stab me.  Italy's almost
got a stalemate line set up.  He needs to covoy the army in alb to tun,
and get my fleet to ion.  That will give AI the 6 units need for the
tun-tys-gol-pie stalemate line.	 Even if we fail to set it up, Italy
should be able to put up a fight against E.	 So, maybe this will be
enough to deter E from pressing his attack in the med, so he will stab
	If E does stab G, what will Italy then do?	He says he will keep
fighting E, but I certainly can see the temptation for an EIT alliance.

	I warned him that T will probably take sev, but he can't really do
much about it anyways if G keeps on attacking.

    The big question for me is, what will T do after getting sev?


    Yes, this is late, but no, I didn't read the results.	 Seems like
most of the diplomacy is going on after deadline anyway, and so I figured
I might as well not kid myself and send this in on time, when it probably
wouldn't even be relevant.

    England's Spring 1906 Analysis

	The setup turn, although what I'm setting up for is still
undetermined.  I'm figuring that this turn's moves will give me a good
position to stab Germany in the Fall, and if they don't, I have pie on my
face but I'm used to that and it does happen in this game.  But things
should turn out okay.
    The main thrust of my efforts this phase were toward getting a
good alliance for the post-stab world, should I need it...
    So, for this turn, I talked with these nations about these
things.  I'll do this in order of effort expended:

	Germany - We worked out a set of plans for this move, which
include my convoying to Norway and moving to Sweden, ostensibly to
prevent Russia from retreating to Finland in the Fall when we dislodge
him from St. Pete.	Germany seems to trust me, but I really would love to
see what he's writing about this turn.  I guess I will later.
    Russia - He and I have worked out that if I do stab Germany,
there will be an ERT alliance against the rest of the board.  I've
encouraged him to grab Warsaw and perhaps Rumania this turn.  I've been
very honest with the Russian in this game, and so far he's respected this
and we're getting along well, considering that I took Norway from him
last turn.
    Turkey - Turkey said that he would attack Russia if Germany and I
decide to continue our attack.  He also said that if I was going to stab
Germany, he would wait until next year until attacking Austria and
Italy.  I find this odd.  The first condition would be very helpful to me
and Germany (but not much to Turkey) while the second seems to not be
helping an ERT much at all.  Kind of odd, but he seemed adamant about it.
    Italy - Italy's a good player, and I knew I wouldn't be able to
get him to do anything that could compromise his position in the Med, but
I tried some real energetic "Let's Talk!!!" stuff that didn't go
anywhere.  Oh well, I had to give it a shot.  We'll see how good his
tactics are...
    Austria - Basically said hello to him and what was going on.  He
was just as vague in reply.  I really don't mind what he's doing right
now - attacking Germany - although I would mind if he gets much off of
attacking him if I do stab.  But that's far in the future.
    France - Left him alone.  I'm prepared to support him in place in
Marseilles next turn to protect him from Germany, but I don't know if
that will be necessary or even possible.

    So my work has mainly focused on getting an ERT that will have
the firepower to run the center of the board.  If Turkey would take Bul,
that would give us 18 and a pretty good position curled around the
others, and I think we could run the board.  The problem is that Turkey
won't take Bul this turn, and we wouldn't have the center advantage.
    But if this worked out, I prefer an ERT alliance right now over
an EG.  The difference between a two-way and a three-way draw, result
wise, is very little to me, but the security that a three-way provides is
important.  I wouldn't fear Russia turning on me at all, but I could see
Germany doing so far down the road.  Of course, I'll just get him
first...  Also I think there's a better chance of me turning a three-way
alliance into a British win, but more on that later.

    My goal for this turn is to set things up for some brutal moves
come Fall.  So....

    A Edinburgh-Nth-Nwy and F Nth Convoy A Edi-Nwy:  This is to put
an army in Norway that can either attack StP or be convoyed to Holland
come the Fall.  The army is doing no good at home, of course.
    F Nwy-Sweden:  This fleet will be used either to limit the
Russian's retreat and force his units elimination or to move to Denmark
in the Fall and hurt Germany good.  Useful, eh?
    F Lon-Eng:  This is a logical move, to Eng where I can support a
fleet into Brest in the Fall and stay in place to convoy an army over to
the Continent in the following Spring.
    F Portugal-Mid-Atlantic:  Kind of a risky move, since this puts
Spain at risk, but the fleet is of little use in Portugal and much more
useful where I can either attack Brest or help out with the Med.
    F WMed-Tunis:  This fleet is kind of hung out to dry, and if
Italy wants to dislodge it, he can.  I figure that the Italian will be
moving F Ion-Tun this turn, and this move will bounce that.  If I am
dislodged, North Africa will be open and that would give me a chance to
break into the Med.  So this is actually more of a defensive move than it
seems, since I'm not expecting it to succeed.
    F Spa(sc)-Mar:  I could go to GoL and perhaps attempt to cut
support of any Italian fleet there, but if he wants to dislodge me from
WMed then he must do F Tyn S F GoL-WMed and ask France to move A
Mar-Spa.  So if I went to GoL, France would slip into Spain and Portugal
and Spain would be at risk.  This move is at least better than holding, I

    And that should do it.  Let's see how this goes...

    Lord Sheringham


No analysis submitted


GERMAN SPRING 1906 RETREAT My Retreat is simple A WAR-LIV Reason ist that the Deadline is near, i just signed on the game as german replacement and it seems the only reasonable move that time Bis dann Thomas



All moves were in preparation for England's entry into the Med.  Piedmont
defended the French in Marseilles, and we tried to convoy the army from
Albania to Tunis.  There were
two options for the fleet Tyrhennian - to defend Lyon, which we did, and
support the convoy to Tunis, which we should have.

Next turn Austria will be entering the Adriatic to assist.


No analysis submitted


Well, Russia has been loyal to me the whole game, yet he is about
to get crushed by E/G.  In order to protect the east against E/G
I am hoping to hold the eastern stalemate line with A/I.  In order
to do so, I must hold sev (or if I let Russia hold sev, then the
game may end a 6-way draw instead of a 5-way draw).  If England
stabs Germany, then I must hit russia anyways since A/I/R may
team up against me and E/G, which is probably what A/I will
want to do if England stabs Germany.  The plan is to set up the
eastern stalemate line and then see what happens.  I will be in
a position to see if I want to take the risk of selling A/I out
to E/G later.

- Sultan

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Last updated on Sat, Sept 27, 1997.