The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Spring of 1905 in describe


Army Bulgaria SUPPORT Army Rumania.
	Gaurd rum against R.

Army Bohemia SUPPORT Army Vienna -> Galicia.
Army Rumania SUPPORT Army Vienna -> Galicia.
Army Budapest SUPPORT Army Vienna -> Galicia.
Army Vienna -> Galicia.
	Going for galacia.	I want to use vie to go for gal to leave a
place for boh to retreat to if it is dislodged.	 There is the possibility
G will do mun-tyr, in which case tyr is unavailabe for retreat if boh is

Fleet Greece -> Albania.
	Gaurd tri in case G takes tyr.

	New Italian player.	 I told him that we could not afford to fight
each other in the face of EGR, and that if he did attack me I would throw
my centers to GRT.
	Unlike the old Italian, this one wanted to keep on attacking T.

	He propsed an AIT to stop EGR.	It'ls likely he's just saying this
to get us to back off and he'll stay with EGRT, but if things continue the
way they are currently, taking a chance with T may be better than going
down for sure against EGRT.  However, the new Italy wants to keep on

    He doesn't seem concerned with G's move of boh-sil.  Pretty much
in line with his apparent style - stick with an alliance and assume allies
are truthful.

    Nothing I can do but offer moral support.

    I've been trying hard to get him to stab R, making the following

1) R is wide open - get quick, easy, and substantial gains.

2) Stabbing R won't lead to an anti-EG alliance, becuase he can fall back
to the ber-mun stalemate line, while E holds of Italy.  An anti-EG
alliance would be a stalemate.  So, if he stabbed R, I would ally with him
since it is the only way for me to get centers.

3) If G sticks with EGRT, what happens when AI is gone/near gone?  E and
R will be stronger and he won't be able to stab them like he can now.
Possible ER vs G war?  Possible EG vs R leading to solo by E, since only E
will have a substantial navy?

4) Leaving R alone now helps E more than it helps G.

	I pretty sure he's working behind to scenes arguing against G
stabbing R.  E certainly doesn't want a powerful G in scandinavia and
parts of France.  Also, E wants to keep Italy with as few allies as
possible.  For G to stab R now, it would at least end up as a psuedo-AGI
against RT.	 The faster E can defeat Italy, the faster he can gaurd his
back against G and become the only major naval power.  That would
gaurnatee him at least a draw, and a shot at a solo.

	The abandonment of Italy has led to at least one major change.
The prior Italy wanted to accept T's peace proposal, and probaby would
have done ven-pie.  The new Italian wants to attack T.


    An absolutely frustrating turn, because my main ally - Germany -
has suddenly decided to attack my other ally, the good and honest
Russian.  I spent most of my time trying to convince Germany that this
was indeed the wrong thing to do, but he was adamant and so I decided to
make a few compromises in my moves that will leave things open for next turn.
    Germany's rationale is that he and Austria will take on Russia,
and in the future Austria will stab Italy with my help and the endgame
will be an AGE.	 This is possible, sure, but my main gripe with the idea
is that it gives far too much control to the Austrian.	By attacking
Russia, we give the initiative to Austria, and this is very bad.  But if
my ally is going to stab Russia, I have to go along with him...
	Or do I?  I'm keeping open the possibility of attacking Germany
next turn, should things go according to this awful plan that he's made,
but a lot of this depends on what pans out this turn.


	Austria - Said hello and said that an AGE would be nice but not
really feasible right now.	So, between the lines, I think we both
understood that England would rather be with Russia than Austria.
	France - Didn't say anything after last turn, which is understandable.
    Germany - I'm afraid I didn't succeed in my tug of war with him.
He was antsy about whether I'd continue to go with him if he attacked
Russia, but my assurances hopefully soothed him on this point.
	Italy - He didn't say anything to me, although I tried to say
hello to him.  Actually, at the end of last turn, he said that his troops
in Serbia had seen all of the sights and were getting bored.
    Russia - He asked me about what Germany might be up to and I told
Russia that I would keep an eye on Germany.  Which I am.  I also told him
that I'd be going to the North Sea.
	Turkey - Didn't say anything, but he's guessing just fine by himself.


	F London-North:	 This move is to get one of my OWN fleets into
the North Sea, from which it can do several things - move to Norway or
even to, hmmmmm, Denmark.  Germany knows about this move, and I think
he's moving F Nth-Nwy.
    F Belgium Holds:  Nothing really else for it to do, and I'm
keeping it in Belgium this turn because it can move nicely to Holland in
the Fall, if need be.
	F Portugal S F Mid-Atlantic-Spain(south coast):	 Germany is
supposed to be moving A Gas-Mar, which will guarantee me getting into
Spain and most likely eliminating the French fleet.	 We're putting
precedence on getting me into Spain this turn because of that Italian
naval presence that might cause some problems with my entrance into the Med.
I want to go to the south coast because it helps make this entrance much
    F English Channel-Mid-Atlantic:  This is to back up my fleet
movements in Iberia, and should succeed.  Also, there is a chance that
this position can support a French move back to Brest in the Fall.

    As you can see, stabbing Germany in the Fall is very much on my
mind, but this depends on how things pan out around the board this turn.
At the least however, I think that I could gain Russian and French
goodwill, whatever that might be worth.
    But I still think that the EGR is the best way to go.  I don't
mind stabbing the Russian, but I want to do it on our terms, and not
Austria's.	The timing is all wrong.

	Lord Sheringham


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		why not.  It is good to appear to still be trying to
		tear A/I apart.
		being careful.
		trying to lull Italy to turn around and move his fleets
	Strategy:  The only strategic issues that I am concerned with are:
	(1) I want russia to move arm-sev
	(2) I want Italy to move aeg-ion
	If all goes well, I will hedge my position to get A/I to retreat
	away from me further while protecting my centers from a possible
	Russian stab.  At the right point, I will strike A/I when they
	are least expecting.  I like being patient.

- Sultan

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Last updated on Sat, Sept 27, 1997.