The Diplomatic Pouch

Player Analysis for Fall of 1905 in describe


Army Bulgaria SUPPORT Army Rumania.
Army Rumania SUPPORT Army Bulgaria.
	Leaving units along the RT border.	I don't trust T to abide by
AIT, so I don't want to make it too easy for him to stab me.  A unit in
rum will be useful in the potential RT war coming up (assuming T sticks to
AIT).  If things don't go my way with regard to RT, I will need these
units down south.

Army Galicia -> Silesia.
Army Bohemia SUPPORT Army Galicia -> Silesia.
    Cut potential German support of war.  Helping R completely would
entail something like gal s ukr-war, boh-sil.  But I don't want to assist
R directly, since I'm now in an AIT alliance.  Besides, it's possible G
will do pru s war, sil-gal; in which case R cannot retake war anyways.
So, I assist R indirectly, while positioning myself to fight G.

Fleet Albania -> Trieste.
	Defense against G, in case he gets tyr down the road.  Opens up
alb for Italy to do ser-alb, to be convoyed out.

Army Budapest -> Vienna.
	From vie, this army can goto tyr or gal.

	I heard practically nothing from him, which makes me nervous.
Perhaps he has regarded Italy's ven-tyr as an act of hostility by AI.

    I heard little from him.  No doubt he is hard at work still
trying to break up AI.  I assume he's coming at Italy full force.

	I suggested that he try and get G to stab E by offering to be G
servent.  If F can get G to start thinking solo, it could cause some
strain in the EG alliance

	He's got his hands full with E.  He had no interest in continuing
AI vs T because of the impending English threat, so we made peace with

    AI made peace with him, forming an AIT block to counter EG.  T
wants someplace to expand, and R is in deep trouble anyways with G.  So,
T says he will attack R.

    Not too surprisingly, he wants to make peace.  AIR might have been
nice, allowing AR to hold of G while getting some builds off of T.  But, R
would not even consider doing so, in line with his style of play.  I
didn't want to attack R outright, because if T does attack R, I'll be G's
only "friendly" neighbor.  Given R's character, that will put Russia
solidly in my corner.  Then, I can take advantage of that against G, T, or
go ahead and stab him anyways if he's of no use to me.

	I won't attack Italy, because it will get me killed by G.  I can't
fight T anymore because Italy doesn't want to anymore.  I won't attack RG,
because it mind end up as RG vs A again.  I could attack R and leave G
alone, but G's getting too powerful, having R keep T from getting to big
would be nice, and getting on R's good side will give me a couple of turns
with a few Russian units I can control.	 Once Italy pulls back, I'm very
concerned T will join EG.  I don't want to help R outright, becuase AIT
will expect me to attack R.	 So, I get positioned for a fight with G and
help R indirectly.
	R will probably pull back, and under the AIT agreement T is to
pull back.	If both of these happen, AI could stab T immediately and have
Italy take a center.  This would give Italy a fleet build to fight E, with
more turk centers coming our way next year.	 I did briefly mention this to
Italy, but I did not pursue it actively, largely because I have been
extremely busy recently.


	England's Fall 1905 Analysis:

    All of this, of course, is completely subject to change but I've
decided to put it in anyway.  Due to Easter holidays, not many people
were around this turn, which is unfortunate because this turn could have
been - and still might be - a departure from the EG alliance.
	I really don't like Germany's attack on Russia.	 Besides being
cheap, it also gives Austria the initiative in the game, and I would be
very surprised if he didn't take it.  It's not every day that you get a
chance to break apart a hostile triple alliance.
	So this turn, I had to decide whether to stick with Germany or to
stab him.  The most important character in this, oddly, was the Italian....

	The diplomacy:

	Austria:  Said very little to him.	I just asked what he thought
of the Italian and he gave me the verbal equivalent of a shoulder shrug.
	France:	 Didn't say a thing to him.
    Germany:  Didn't get to say much to him either, because he's been
busy with real life.  Fortunately, most of our tactics were already laid
down for this turn, and the EG cooperation should be on the same page,
    Italy:  I presented him with an idea - he stab Austria and I stab
Germany, both attacks coming this turn.  Such an attack really would
benefit us both, but it would probably benefit me more, since I'd have
Russo-Turkish forces on my side.  Italy, however, didn't want to stab
Austria until I had shown my cards by stabbing Germany.  Understandable,
but a bit on the conservative side.  I told him that it was both of us or
none of us, for obvious reasons:  I don't want a GAI to deal with...  so,
unless something changes, this great opportunity will pass by.
	Russia:	 I told him that I didn't like the German attack but that
I might have to go along with it.  I'll tell him that I intend to stick
with Germany this year, but this might also change in the future.
	Turkey:	 Didn't say much to him either.

    Basically, I figure that I might be able to carry out a stab of
Germany next year with more efficiency.  Stabbing him now, although nice,
wouldn't really let me be able to capitalize on the initial attack.  I
think my best move is to wait for next year, talk some more with the new
Italian, and then see what can be done.	 This might come after Russia and
Turkey have been weakened, but I figure I can strengthen my relations
with them by stabbing Germany.
	The tactics:

	F North-Norway:	 This is to take Norway off the Russian's hands.
I don't feel TOO bad about this, since it was my center to begin with,
but I still feel kind of craven.  Germany is supposed to move F Nwy-Bar
to set up English attacks on StP for next year.
	F Belgium-North:  This is to cover the North Sea and to provide a
fleet for convoying purposes to Norway (or Denmark) next year.	Most
likely Norway.
	F Spa(sc) S F MAt-WMed:	 This puts two units attacking the
Italian unit in the WMed.  Unless France moves A Mar-Spa, this attack
will succeed and make my entrance to the Med very easy.	 And it will also
piss off the Italian to no end.	 Sigh.
	F Por S F Spa(sc):	This move solidifies my hold on Spain from
any Franco-Italian cooperation.	 Unless Germany decides to boot me out of
Spain, I've got it locked down.

    So, I'm still very undecided right now but this is what I'm
putting in.  I still hope to convince the Italian to go in with me on the
stab, because I think it's the best method at the moment...	but I'm not
sure.  I'm going to side with safety right now and stick with Germany a
bit longer.

	Lord Sheringham


	England's Winter 1905 builds:

    A Edinburgh:  This army is to be convoyed to Norway in the
Spring, and then move to either StP, Den or Holland in the Fall.  As you
can see, the English strategy is still undecided, and this army gives me
a lot of options.

    F London:  I need another fleet out west to eventually plug up
the Med, and this one should do the trick.  I chose London over
Liverpool, because after F Por-MAt and F Lon-Eng, I can take Brest with F
Eng S F MAt-Bre and then use F Eng to convoy a new army over next year.

    Things have been going smoothly, although Italy didn't appreciate
my move into WMed.	He says that we have nothing to talk about until I
leave the Med, but my view is that I proposed a stab to him last turn, he
declined, and therefore I shouldn't have been under any obligation to sit
in Iberia and watch his fleets sail my way.  The F WMed is a speedbump
right now, but it might prove useful.
    I've spent most of my time talking with Italy and Russia.	 Russia
and Turkey are interested in an ERT to attack GAI...  more on this later,
but I think that Russia's renowned care bear style will make getting a
win out of a three-way easier than getting it out of a two-way with
Germany.  We'll see.

	Lord Sheringham


I am lost and there is not much more to say. GE are well and truly allied
although I really thought I had broken this. R is the likeliest target now since
E has too many navies for G to do anything. I is new and this has not helped
matters. I have sent them a concise summary of the true position in the hope
they might protect their Western flank and who knows, maybe even leave me Mar
(just dreaming!).
This game has been played on the Diplomatic level one hundred percent for this
part of the world. Neither power by themselves could have survived a combined
attack. I lost this game of musical chair and was left standing. The worst part
of it though is that G did double double-cross me rather neatly. I hate that.
*Army Marseilles SUPPORT Fleet Spain (north coast).
Either this will fail or I loose Paris.
*Fleet Spain (north coast) HOLD.
Normal defense. See above comment.
*Army Paris HOLD.
See first comment.

Le President de la Republique Francaise.


Fleet Nor -> Bar to guarentee control over St. P in the near future.
Gasc -> Par for the supply center.
The rest of my forces are in a defensive possition to counter any AR
attacks if it comes to that. My offensive vs. Russia is still a go.

  (sorry. My girlfriend seems to have deleted my saved "justification")



Appologies for not commenting on my Spring moves, but I've only recently
joined the fray, and I haven't had time to come up with a plan yet.
Unfortunately, my Spring orders confirmed this.

Not knowing the intentions of England or Turkey, I decided to split my
forces, and both defend against possible incursion by England as well as
rout the Turk from the Mediterranean.  As for the army movements: I was
comfortable with Austria's position, and was confident that we could work
together.  I supported him in holding Rumania, and also moved Ven - Tyrolia
to help him threaten Munich.

What I have gathered to date, from discussion with the players, and from the
positioning of the units, is that England and Germany are firmly allied,
that France has succumbed, and that Russia is to become the next victim.  I
have confirmed the alliance with Austria , and the two of us have recruited
Turkey into joining forces.   We have pledged that if any of the three of us
breaks ranks in an attempt to assist E/G, that the other two would turn our
backs on E/G and do everything in our power to eliminate the traitor!

For the Fall turn, I am ordering:

Italy: Army Tyrolia -> Piedmont.
Italy: Army Serbia -> Albania.
Italy: Fleet Eastern Mediterranean -> Ionian Sea.
Italy: Fleet Ionian Sea -> Tyrrhenian Sea.
Italy: Fleet Western Mediterranean -> Spain (south coast).

The move to Piedmont may be too late to save Marseilles.  There is no point
in attacking Munich (he has it covered), but I may be able to help the French.

Serbia to Albania is in preparation for a convoy to Tunis - I expect the
English to be breaking through VERY shortly.  Fleets East Med, and Ionian
are heading West for the same reason, while Fleet West Med moves to Spain to
break its support (against Marseilles).

I expect that I may lose the West Med, which would be a blow, but I feel the
sacrifice is necessary to help the French hold Marseilles.  I should be in
good position to repel him if it happense.

My biggest concern as we go into the Fall turn is Turkey.  He has committed
to the alliance, but who knows.  If he betrays me, I won't last long, caught
between Turkish and English fleets.

Grant, Italy.

p.s. Hope somebody is actually reading these!


I chose to retreat to the Gulf of Lyon - it's the only logical choice
really, as it gives me access to Spain and Marseilles, and keeps Tunis free
for another unit to advance.

I was disappointed, but not surprised by England's advance into the West
Med.  I just hope I can hold him...	 He's been waging a furious diplomatic
war, trying to convince me of his integrity as he breaks down the door.
Yeah, right.


No analysis submitted


	A con - ank
	F smy - con
	F syr - smy
Now that Germany is attacking Russia, the game has just been blown wide
open.  Anything can happen like: A/I/R or England attacking Germany or
even A/I/T.	 I am gambling that if A/I/R join forces, that Russia would
be greedy and try moving to ank, instead of teaming up with austria
to take con.  I could be wrong.	 I hope not.  My best strategy right
now I think is to get Italy to turn around against England and join
A/I/T and knock Russia out of the game.	 I know he has been my ally all
along, but if he stays in the game, I am likely to be eliminated by

- Sultan

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Last updated on Sat, Sept 27, 1997.