February 15, 2016

Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA, (401)351-0287, jfburgess of

E-MAIL/WEB ONLY ISSUE! PDF will be available on the website. We also are being reproduced in Eternal Sunshine.

Web Page Address: /Postal/Zines/TAP/index.html

The Diplomacy tournament at TotalCon in Mansfield, MA February 19-21 is coming right up! It's not too late!! Y'all should come!!! The new Kendo Nagasaki game keeps going, I like running them and I also like playing in them... mostly. Plenty of time to join still. The two new games also are off to flying starts.
My health update is a bit of up and a bit of down. I've knocked back some significant side effects, but am still on chemo trying to stay ahead of any cancer comebacks. As they say these days, cancer is more and more of a chronic disease, my experience has still been much better than others with similar cancers. Our pal Mark Fassio is hanging in there with his greater issues than mine.
This issue continues the szine/subszine inversion. As most of you know, this thing began as a "subszine" to Terry Tallman's North Sealth, West George in NSWG #16, then became its own szine with a host of subszines. Since Terry's passing, we lose our thirty year fervent hope that someday NSWG would have been resurrected and I could go back and swear my fealty to the Toadfather. The subszines remaining will appear as sub-subszines to our flipflopped home in Doug Kent's Eternal Sunshine. I'm set on continuing my GMing, and I'm starting to write a bit, hope there might be more. Feel free to communicate with me about how you want to help or what you want to play, or if anyone else wants TAP subszine status.
For production, in addition to the HTML's of each separate product on the web page, I will also have a PDF that you can print of the entire subszine (including my famous handdrawn maps!). You can just print the maps if you like, but remember maps are for pikers anyway, you don't need no steenkin' maps, keep them up in your head where they belong.
The site has moved yet again. Chris Babcock and Mario Huys are still in charge. There were a few glitches and broken links, but things should be fixed now, if you have problems, let us know! But if you find you cannot access the website with the PDFs and HTMLs of all the past issues... well, please let me know and we'll fix it. The address is still: /.
There are currently 75 members of the official TAP subscriber list, but that's down because in the move, there were some addresses dropped. is the current list website. YOU need to make sure you're on this list. I'm trying to add some of the newer subscribers who aren't there. If you have questions or problems, PLEASE ask. There you can check your subscribing options and whether you're registered. Register if you want to get TAP E-Mailed regularly. Some people have had trouble with the attachments, so I have switched to sending the link in the announcements, we'll see if that helps. Please let me know.

((For upcoming cons around the world: /Face/cons/index.php, success, we have badgered all the Con directors to post their Cons, so it is reasonably up to date now. And there remains lots of interest in the FTF community, and linking E-Mail/Web players to FTF. Now is the time I'm ramping up the slight deviation adjustment in running my February Diplomacy tournament, leadoff to the Nor'Easter. Since TempleCon moved itself to August, great for them horrible for me, I've cut the tie of... what ten years running Diplomacy there? Robert Rousse and others had been hoping for some time that I'd move over to TotalCon, which actually has WAY more boardgamers and is a bit later in February, this year February 19-21, just up the road in Mansfield, MA, halfway between Providence and Boston. This also is a plus for our Boston gamers and for the Vermonters coming down it's closer too. You might still prefer to fly into Providence's airport, but as noted it's equidistant between there and Logan Airport in Boston. We can work out pickups and such. I still have two hotel rooms reserved down the street at the Red Roof Inn, that are pay what you want/can, as usual, with lots of space there still available for last minute deciders, has more particulars. Contact me for more details if you're coming. Also, the Facebook page for European Tournament Diplomacy,, Diplomacy in Europe, has been really active and the place to be in the hobby these days. If you're on Facebook, hook up there!))

((If anyone from TAP or ES has ideas for more things to talk about here let me know. I do have four or five ideas lined up here already that I just have to write. I have been nudged... comments from any of you also are welcome.))

Did I miss any? I think "none this time".

Standby lists: Brad Wilson, Jack McHugh, Drew James, Paul Rauterberg, Doug Kent, Paul Kenny, and Hugh Polley stand by for regular Diplomacy. Just let me know if you want on or off these lists.

I'd love to do another game of Spy Diplomacy, but it requires commitment that seems in short supply these days, but let me know if you want me to reprint the rules.
REGULAR DIPLOMACY: New game starts continue in this issue, with the new Regular Dip game. Is there something else we want to start?
BREAKING AWAY: New game starts with Turn 1 in THIS issue.

THE TERRY TALLMAN MEMORIAL: 2016?, Regular Diplomacy
Spring 1901
AUSTRIA (Black): f tri-ALB, a vie-BUD, a bud-SER.
ENGLAND (Cohen): f LON-eng, f edi-NTH, a lvp-YOR.
FRANCE (Begbie): f BRE-eng, a par-GAS, a mar-SPA.
GERMANY (Polley): f kie-HOL, a ber-KIE, a mun-RUH.
ITALY (Ellinger): f nap-TYH, a rom-TUS, a ven-TYO.
RUSSIA (Zarr): f stp(sc)-GOB, a mos-SEV, a war-UKR, f sev-RUM.
TURKEY (Wiedemeyer): f ank-BLA, a smy-CON, a con-BUL.

E-Mail Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Thaddeus Black, of
ENGLAND: David Cohen, zendip18 of
FRANCE: Gavin Begbie, gavinbegbie of
GERMANY: Hugh Polley, hapolley of
ITALY: Marc Ellinger, mellinger of
RUSSIA: Harold Zarr, skip1955 of
TURKEY: Fred Wiedemeyer, wiedem of

Game Notes:
1) Welcome to the new game start. My house rules appear most recently in Issue #343:
I need to say that my attitude toward house rules has evolved since being part of Thaddeus Black's current project to codify the rules for the game of Diplomacy. When that is done, I will do another version of my House Rules acknowledging this project, but for now, assume that when I refer to being held to "current standard hobby practice" it is represented by the evolving consensus of that project: Diplomacy Player's Technical Guide, 2nd Edition. You may feel free to communicate more about this to our Austrian player, who leads this project. Italicised moves fail of execution.
2) I tried to add everyone to the TAP mailing list, please join it with preferred settings and E-Mail address, see instructions on Page 1. Let me know if you have problems.
3) Write press for publication with results. It's fun. I know most people don't do much of it any more, but you will earn the eternal respect of the GM if you do.
4) According to TAP tradition, we offer an opportunity for a Press Only Summer 1901 season, but many of you may want to press on to Fall 1901, that's up to all of you.
5) Oh, and one last point for our "new TAP players", yes I adjudicate all games by hand and do the maps by hand. You do need to check me, but hand adjudication IS the only way to GM... ;-)

(GERMANY): Attack Germany, she will fight back, make neutral moves Germany will reply in kind, make pro-German moves and you have a friend.

THE DON WILLIAMS 57 MEMORIAL: 2014A, Regular Diplomacy
Spring 1905
AUSTRIA (Ozog): a VIE-tyo, f ion-TUN, a BUR S ITALIAN a pie-mar, a SER h,
a con-SMY, a TYO-mun, f gre-ION.
ENGLAND (Wiedemeyer): a YOR-lvp.
FRANCE (Ellinger): f GOL S a mar-pie, f WES-tyh, f eng-WAL, a bel-PIC,
f NAO-lvp, a MAR-pie, a LON s GERMAN a edi-yor (nso).
GERMANY (Abbott): f DEN s a kie, f NTH s a edi, a EDI s FRENCH a lon-lvp (imp, nso),
a kie s f den (d r:ruh,hol,otb).
ITALY (Wilson): f TYH h, f NAP S f tyh, f AEG s AUSTRIAN f ion (cut, otm), a rum-BUL, a PIE-mar.
RUSSIA (Rauterberg): f stp(nc)-NWY, f nwy-SKA, f SWE-den, a MUN s a ber-kie, f NWG-nth,
f BAL S a ber-kie, f ank-CON, a ber-KIE, a ARM S AUSTRIAN A con-smy.
TURKEY (Burgess): f smy-aeg (d r:syr,eas,otb).

E-Mail Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Eric Ozog, elferic of
ENGLAND: Fred Wiedemeyer, wiedem of
FRANCE: Marc Ellinger, mellinger of
GERMANY: Will Abbott, wjja9 of
ITALY: Brad Wilson, fullfathomfive675 of
RUSSIA: Paul Rauterberg, paul.rauterberg of
TURKEY: David Burgess, burgesscd of or dburgess of

Game Notes:
1) More press will be welcome.
2) We have two retreats for summer.

(VIENNA-ROME): The Senora will be proud of her Capitano as he advances against the French!

THE DIPLOMACY GAME: Breaking Away, Designer's Rules
Turn 1
12 (replenish with a 2) Anastasia (Breaking Away!)
11 (no replenishment) Empty
10 (replenish with a 3) Nicholas II
9 (replenish with a 4) Angst
8 (replenish with a 5) Baker
7 (replenish with a 6) Alpha, Alexandra, Constipated
6 (no replenishment) Empty
5 (replenish with a 3) Heart of Oak, Charlie, Alexei, Smirky
4 (replenish with a 7) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jerusalem
3 (replenish with a 3) Billy Wilder, Hope and Glory, Alexis de Tocqueville, Donatello,
Raphael, Terrorised (overcrowded)
2 (replenish with a 3) Christian Doppler, White Cliffs, Rousseau, Delta, Michelangelo (overcrowded)
1 (replenish with a 8) Daniel Swarovski, Lafayette, Jefferson, Leonardo
5 riders on a square, means they all replenish 3, with follow-on effects.

Addresses of the Participants - Their Teams and Their Cards
AUSTRIAN TEAM (Andy Bate): andydbate of (0 points)
A: Arnold Schwarzenegger 12, 10, 4, 7 (4)
B: Billy Wilder 12, 10, 3 (3)
C: Christian Doppler 10, 8, 3 (2)
D: Daniel Swarovski 10, 5, 8 (1)
Total Replenishments: 21 = 21
ENGLISH TEAM (Jim Reader): jim_reader of (0 points)
A: Jerusalem 15, 10, 1, 7 (4)
B: Hope and Glory 15, 7, 3 (3)
C: White Cliffs 14, 4, 3 (2)
D: Heart of Oak 8, 3, 3 (5)
Total Replenishments: 16 = 16
FRENCH TEAM (Hank Alme): almehj of (0 points)
A: Marquis de Lafayette (Captain): 4, 10, 15, 8 (1)
B: Alexis de Tocqueville: 7, 15, 3 (3)
C: Jean-Jacques Rousseau: 6, 12, 3 (2)
D: Thomas Jefferson: 7, 8, 8 (1)
Total Replenishments: 22 = 22
GERMAN TEAM (Marc Ellinger): mellinger of (0 points)
A: Player Alpha 15, 6, 2, 6 (7)
B: Player Baker 14, 3, 5 (8)
C: Player Charlie 13, 2, 3 (5)
D: Player Delta 13, 1, 3 (2)
Total Replenishments: 17 = 17
ITALIAN TEAM (Rick Desper): rick_desper of (0 points)
Team Name: Artists in a Half-Shell?
Coach: Master Splinter
Team Leader A: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci 15, 10, 4, 8 (1)
Team Mechanic B: Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi 14, 8, 3 (3)
Team Navigator C: Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino 12, 5, 3 (3)
Team Sprint Specialist D: Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni 10, 4, 3 (2)
Referred to by common appellations in the report: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo.
Total Replenishments: 17 = 17
RUSSIAN TEAM (Andy York): wandrew88 of (0 points)
Team Royal
A: Anastasia 10, 8, 2 (12)
B: Nicholas II 8, 7, 3 (10)
C: Alexandra 8, 5, 6 (7)
D: Alexei 6, 5, 3 (5)
Total Replenishments: 14 = 14
TURKISH TEAM (Brendan Whyte): BWHYTE of (0 points)
The Turkeys
A: Angst of Ankara 10,11, 4 (9)
B: Constipated of Constantinople 8,10, 6 (7)
C: Smirky of Smyrna 7,8, 3 (5)
D: Terrorised of Syria 6,7, 3 (3)
Total Replenishments: 16 = 16

(TEAM AUSTRIA-THE WORLD): "Who is for a mutual non-aggression pact? No barging, clashing of wheels or cutting each other up..."

Game Notes:
1) The rules are on the TAP website in the Tinamou section. Ask if you have any questions. Rules at:
Up above in parentheses is the card you played to get to where you are in the field. The replenishment card is the last card in your list. Be careful to note that the card you played (the one in parentheses) is not available for you, for next turn. Just for fun, I keep track of total replenishment, by turn, which is a rough measure of how the teams are doing. Of course, it is lining up to get across the sprint and final lines in the right places that really counts. We can calculate an "efficiency score" later, which will be the ratio of scoring points per replenishment.
2) We do have seven players. My intent it to play to the rules, with the overcrowding rule used only on the first turn. I recognize that some large replenishment cards after that are possible, but we'll go with it and see how it plays.

Kendo Nagasaki for me comes from the series in Eternal Sunshine... The full rules for Where in the World is Kendo Nagasaki are in: Send a guess!!!

Brendan Whyte: Tom Howell:
Henry Mancini on Vostok Island, Pacific Ocean Kim Philby in London

Hank Alme: Marc Ellinger:
Bela Fleck in Oaxaca, Mexico Richard Nixon in Santiago, Chile

Peter Sullivan: Doug Kent:
Lewis Hamilton in Buenos Aires Julia Child in Santiago, Chile

HINT to the Person with the Closest Geographic Guess: You have identified my gender correctly, but I was born many centuries before you.

Brendan Whyte: Tom Howell:
Johann Sebastian Bach on Clipperton Island, Mexico Henry VIII of England in Turkistan, Kazakhstan

Hank Alme: Marc Ellinger:
Anthony Blunt in Cancun, Mexico Louis VII in Paris, France

Peter Sullivan: Doug Kent:
Julian of Norwich in Norwich, Ohio Galileo in Berlin, Germany

Rick Desper: Andy York:
Stan Lee in Seoul, South Korea Richard the Lionhearted in Vienna, Austria

HINT to the Person with the Closest Geographic Guess: One of my most famous quotes refers in both a direct and oblique way to your profession.

Brendan Whyte: Tom Howell:
Jesus in Jerusalem Thomas Cromwell in Helsinki, Finland

Hank Alme: Marc Ellinger:
Guy Burgess in Moscow, Russia William Shakespeare in Poitiers, France

Peter Sullivan: Doug Kent:
King John I of England in Brussels, Belgium Shakespeare in Veracruz, Mexico

Rick Desper: Andy York:
Christopher Marlowe in Belize City, Belize Copernicus in Lodz, Poland

HINT to the Person with the Closest Geographic Guess: We each had serious disputes with our respective Popes and the authority of the Catholic Church. (Yeah, that means Jesus is NOT aligned with the closest guess...)

Brendan Whyte: Tom Howell:
Giordano Bruno saying G’day in G’dansk, Poland Henry VIII in Birmingham, England

Hank Alme: Marc Ellinger:
Guy Fawkes in St. Petersburg, Russia Samuel Beckett in Copenhagen, Denmark

Peter Sullivan: Doug Kent:
Martin Luther in Worms, Germany Elizabeth I of England in The Hague, The Netherlands

Rick Desper: Andy York:
Martin Luther in Luebeck, Germany Machiavelli in Munich, Germany

HINT to the Person with the Closest Geographic Guess: While we both had disputes with the Catholic Church, we also had public disputes with each other within our overlapping lifetimes.

Brendan Whyte: Tom Howell:
Ulrich Zwingli in Munster, Germany John Calvin in Göttingen, Germany

Hank Alme: Marc Ellinger:
Charles V in Wittenburg, Germany Thomas Muntzer in Wittenberg, Germany
***Note that Hank says Wittenburg and Marc says Wittenberg, these are two different places in Germany.

Peter Sullivan: Doug Kent:
King Henry VIII of England in Heidelberg, Germany Henry II in Stochholm, Sweden

Rick Desper: Andy York:
No Guess Received Johannes Agricola in Hannover, Germany

HINT to the Person with the Closest Geographic Guess: We agreed on a great many things, but you were much more of a rabble-rouser to the lesser educated classes, while I was more of an intellectual humanist.

LAST WORD: I sort of ran out of time again and space with only about four lines for the last word (or a whole page). Since I'm busy getting ready for TotalCon, I opted for the former. I have MUCH more to say about Terry Tallman, and it will come out in the next few issues as I have time. Hope everyone is having a good President's Day.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.85.
On 15 Feb 2016, 12:13.