February 26, 2012

Jim Burgess, 664 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908-4327 USA, (401)351-0287, jfburgess of

E-MAIL/WEB ONLY ISSUE! PDF will be available on the website. Join the tidal wave of Dippers going to World DipCon in Chicago in August, we can overwhelm Shark Chum with 330 warm bodies!

Web Page Address: /Postal/Zines/TAP/index.html

Some of you are still not on the E-Mail list for this szine, I keep trying to sign you up, please accept the offer! I am being a bit more systematic about that right now. I am going ahead and finishing all the games here, and then we'll see what happens.
This issue establishes the continuation of the szine/subszine inversion. As most of you know, this thing began as a ßubszine" to Terry Tallman's North Sealth, West George, then became its own szine with a host of subszines. The subszines remaining will appear as sub-subszines to our new flipflopped home in Doug Kent's Eternal Sunshine. Doug will keep us on schedule so we will charge forward and finish the remaining games that I have in here. After that, we'll see how it goes and what I do next. I'd like to keep writing and doing some game GMing. You all should see first what I actually do.
For production, in addition to the HTML's of each separate product on the web page, I will also have a PDF that you can print of the entire subszine (including my famous handdrawn maps!). You can just print the maps if you like, but remember maps are for pikers anyway, you don't need no steenkin' maps, keep them up in your head where they belong. I don't think there are very many people I owe money, but if you think I owe you money, just ask and I will pay. ONE GROUP that is definitely owed money is the players with NMR insurance. NMR insurance still continues, I will still call you for it, and when your game ends, I will refund the money.
I have now tried to sign up all the players, some multiple times, but please check. THIS IS A PROBLEM, sign up now if you're playing so you get proper notification!!! General information about the mailing list is at: /mailman/listinfo/tap
You can sign up from there, or send E-Mails to: Tap-request of; with the word `help' in the subject or body (don't include the quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions. You must know your password to change your options (including changing the password, itself) or to unsubscribe.

((Let's keep talking about FTF tournament diplomacy! Note below my write up for the recently held TempleCon 2012. The website for the Convention itself is Looking beyond that World DipCon is fast approaching in August, I'm about to put a real hard full-court press on getting every single one of you reading this to come. Why not? E-Mail me with your excuse and I'll shred it. The convention is in beautiful downtown Chicago and has five rounds beginning first thing Friday morning, August 10th and ending on August 12th. Find more information at: or contact Jim O'Kelley (aka Shark Chum) and come meet me and maybe you'll see my "Alice" T-Shirt coming out of the closet... let's especially get some of the old crowd to come join us, there remains a rumor that Pete Gaughan might show up.))
((For these and other upcoming cons around the world: /Face/cons/index.php))

Drew James (Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 9:18 AM)
This is turning out to be a fun sports year. My Giants came out of nowhere to win the Super Bowl! I was thrilled when they beat the Cowboys to win the division and would have been more than satisfied if they had lost in the first round of the post season. Of course, the team I care the most about is SU basketball. They are #2 in the country and winning the Big East. They have a chance to go undefeated at home which certainly has made it a great year to be a season ticket holder. Expectations are properly sky high and anything less than a Final Four berth will be a major disappointment to Orange Nation. I think they have a good shot at the Final Four, but they certainly aren't a shoe in. They have issues in terms of rebounding and shooting threes. Their zone defense is especially strong this year and is the bedrock of their success. While they have depth, that aspect is over-hyped. Basically only 7 players are getting any minutes. The "bench scoring" stat is highly misleading as CJ Fair comes off the bench, but is playing more minutes than any other player on the team. The "starter", Christmas, only plays for about 2 minutes a game - he is typically out of the game before the first media time out. The fact that two McDonalds All Americans are sitting the pine, though, is a good indication of SU's experience and talent level, though. Given the success of the Giants and SU, at times I dare to believe that maybe, just maybe, the Mets could overachieve this year and actually be simply bad - or even mediocre, rather than god awful. I know, I know, that is probably too much to hope for...
((You may want to join our little baseball prediction group, that will come next issue, as usual!))
I sure am glad that SU is heading out of the Big East. What a mess!
I've started listening to XM radio more frequently these days - more specifically "Alt Nation". I've enjoyed listening to "new for me" bands such as The Bombay Bicycle Club and The Wombats. I particularly enjoy the Wombats song "Let's Dance to Joy Division" not just because it is a great song in its own right, but also gets me thinking about my all time favorite band (along with New Order). Speaking of New Order, it is too bad that they have had a falling out which seems to finally be the end of the band. I'm OK with that given their age, but I'm still hoping that they release the outtakes from their last album to put a final wrapper on the band.
Regards, Drew, karelanddrew of
((I agree, Joy Division's live album is still one of the small number of CDs that is always in my car. New Order always was somewhat more listenable.))

Eric Ozog (Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 7:49 PM)
Hello- I wanted to let you know that a new The Goblin Market album, Beneath Far Gondal's Foreign Sky will be released in early March on Seattle's Green Monkey records. I normally don't endorse albums, but this one is special. The third Goblin Market record-by Jeff Kelly and Laura Weller of the Green Pajamas (who Cathy and I know personally, we've been to several of their shows)-is their best yet. I bought an advance copy and was so impressed I had to listen to it twice in a row. Haunting and achingly beautiful, the 12 well crafted songs of this concept album are so integrated, with one flowing into the next, that one has to listen to it whole to appreciate the full context. The overall mood is melancholy, like their two preceding albums, but there is just enough rock interspersed to wake things up. Listening to this record is like being inside a movie.
If interested, you can buy a copy of the record on CD from:
View videos at (or UTube):
Listen and download previous Goblin Market songs at:
Best, Eric, elferic of

TEMPLECON 2012 Report (First Round of Four Tournament Nor'Easter)
Thanks to everyone and to the great TempleCon hosts, I reserved one crash room and that ended up with four people in it, Rob Premus, Carl Ellis, Alex Amann, and Phil Weissert. I think having a crash room is a really important part of helping travelers who come from a distance to the con.
Here are the board results with detour09 basic points in parentheses)
Round 1, Board 1
Austria (Steve Cooley): 5 5 5 5 6  6  7  7  9  9  9  9  9 (22.58)
England (Carl Ellis): 4 3 2 1 0  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - ( 1.00)
France (Phil Weissert): 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 (46.77)
Germany (Rob Premus): 4 5 4 4 4  4  3  3  2  1  1  1  1 ( 4.84)
Italy (David Burgess): 4 4 4 4 4  5  4  3  3  3  3  3  3 ( 9.68)
Russia (Roland Cooke): 6 7 8 8 8  7  7  7  5  5  5  3  2 ( 6.45)
Turkey (Alex Amann): 4 4 4 4 3  2  3  3  3  3  3  3  3 ( 9.68)
Round 2, Board 1
Austria (Robert Rousse): 5 6 9 9  9  9 (22.95)
England (Tim Geil): 5 4 3 2  1  1 ( 4.92)
France (Steve Cooley): 5 6 7 9 11 12 (34.43)
Germany (Jim Burgess-2 TD): 5 5 3 4  3  3 ( 9.84)
Italy (Carl Ellis): 4 4 3 3  3  2 ( 6.56)
Russia (Adam Sigal): 3 3 4 4  5  6 (16.39)
Turkey (David Burgess): 5 6 5 3  2  1 ( 4.92)
Round 2, Board 2
Austria (Jim Burgess TD): 4 4 4 4 3 4  4  4 (11.32)
England (Adam Sigal-2): 4 3 1 0 - -  -  - ( 0.75)
France (Roland Cooke): 5 6 7 8 8 9 11  9 (26.42)
Germany (Phil Weissert): 5 6 7 7 7 5  5  5 (15.09)
Italy (Sam Lavoie): 5 4 4 4 3 2  0  - ( 1.50)
Russia (Alex Amann): 6 6 6 7 8 7  6  7 (20.75)
Turkey (Rob Premus): 4 5 5 4 5 7  8  9 (26.42)
Round 3, Board 1
Austria (David Burgess): 5 6 7 6 8  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  7 (0.00)
England (Phil Weissert): 4 5 5 6 6  8  8  8  9 10  9 10 12 VOTED SOLO (110.00)
France (Robert Rousse): 6 6 5 3 2  0  -  -  -  -  -  -  - (0.00)
Germany (Alex Amann): 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10  9  7  7  5  4 (0.00)
Italy (Rob Premus): 4 4 4 4 2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 (0.00)
Russia (Carl Ellis): 5 3 3 4 4  3  3  3  2  3  4  4  4 (0.00)
Turkey (Roland Cooke): 4 4 3 3 3  3  3  3  4  4  4  5  6 (0.00)
Round 4, Board 1
Austria (Phil Weissert): 4 4 3 3 4  3  0 ( 1.50)
England (Alex Amann): 5 5 7 8 9 12 15 (45.61)
France (David Burgess): 4 5 5 6 7  6  5 (15.79)
Germany (Adam Sigal): 5 5 3 2 1  0  - ( 1.25)
Italy (Ben Teixeira): 5 4 2 3 3  2  0 ( 1.50)
Russia (Rob Premus): 5 7 8 8 7  8 10 (26.32)
Turkey (Carl Ellis): 4 4 6 4 3  3  4 (12.28)

This is also the first tournament in the regional sub-Grand Prix tournament that is in its fourth year that we've dubbed the "Nor'Easter". The next tournament in that group is Boston Massacre in Cambridge in June; HuskyCon in August; and Carnage, November in Vermont. We will again have a First Place Nor'Easter prize to be awarded and with more help from Robert Rousse (Carnage co-organizer), Second and Third Place prizes as well. Phil Weissert, of course, was the tournament winner as well as Best England, Best France, and Best Germany (taking the unofficial Western Triple!!!). Robert Rousse was Best Austria (which I just delivered to him in person at TotalCon), David Burgess was Best Italy, Rob Premus was Best Russia and Best Turkey (taking the unofficial Juggernaut).
Drop Dead Time Deadlines: These worked like a charm again, this is the way to play tournament dip, you're always moving, no waiting around while people write orders. The games really moved along, I again used my loud voice with reminders to people as needed, and people respected other players' space with need for order writing time. And the atmosphere was great. I ended up going again with the 17 minute spring, 15 minute fall continually running clock.
Lastly, more experience on selling Diplomacy on site: I was still not as successful as I would like to be here, both from within other people already attending TempleCon as well as travelers. So I'm going to be asking about some other ideas shortly. Stay tuned. I didn't try walking around the Con playing Edi Birsan's Teaching Videos from You Tube again like I did three years ago.... don't believe me, yes, I really, really did this three years ago, but it didn't really gain anything but laughs, especially from the miniatures players, so I didn't do that this time around, but I did play it some in our Diplomacy corner.
Now we look forward to World DipCon in Chicago in August, see you all there, I hope!
I am continuing to note cut or failed support orders with a small "s" instead of a capital "S". This will make it easier on the E-Mailed version of the szine to see what happened, since the italics don't show there. The italics DO show on the web page just fine.
Standby lists:
Mike Barno, Dick Martin, Brad Wilson, Jack McHugh, Glenn Petroski, Steve Emmert, Mark Kinney, Vince Lutterbie, Eric Brosius, Paul Rauterberg, Bob Osuch, Doug Kent, Sean O'Donnell, Heath Gardner, Paul Kenny, and Jeff O'Donnell stand by for regular Diplomacy. Let me know if you want on or off these lists, especially OFF given the new policies.

I'm going to start the game opening list over. Under the new regime, who wants to play? First off, another regular Diplomacy game is open. Doug Kent and Brad Wilson are in, anyone else? Also, a new Breaking Away game is open. Currently Andy York is on board.

THE PHIL REYNOLDS MEMORIAL: 2006B, Regular Diplomacy
Spring 1906
AUSTRIA (Burgess): f ion-NAP, a bud-GAL, a PIE-mar, a VIE S a bud-gal,
a VEN S a tyo, f gol-wes (d r:tus,otb), a bul-SER, a TYO S RUSSIAN a boh, f TYH S f gol-wes.
ENGLAND (James): f edi-NWG, f MID S f wes, f nwg-NWY, a BEL h,
f WES S FRENCH f spa(sc)-gol, f SWE-gob.
FRANCE (Williams): f NAF S ITALIAN f tun, a GAS h, f spa(sc)-GOL, a BUR S GERMAN a mun.
GERMANY (Ellinger): a SIL S a mun, a MUN S a sil, a BER S a sil, f nth-DEN, a FIN-stp.
ITALY (Crow): f TUN h, a MAR h.
RUSSIA (Barno): a WAR-sil, a BOH S a war-sil, a STP-fin, f BLA h,
a LVN-stp, f gre-ION, a RUM-war (imp), f GOB s a stp-fin.

Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: David Burgess, 101 Laurel Lane, Queensbury, NY 12804
(518) 761-6687, burgesscd of or dburgess of
ENGLAND: Drew James, 3644 Whispering Woods Terrace, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
(315) 652-1956, kjames01 of or karelanddrew of
FRANCE: Don Williams, 27505 Artine Drive, Saugus, CA 91350, (661) 297-3947,
wllmsfmly of or dwilliams of ($5)
GERMANY: Marc Ellinger, 751 Turnberry Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109
mellinger of
ITALY: John Crow, 946 S. Medalist Circle Plano, TX 75023-2851,
(214) 532-1418, johnny.crow of
RUSSIA: Mike Barno, 1071 Warren Road Apt 8 Ithaca, NY 14850, (607) 481-4526
mpbarno of
TURKEY: Fred Wiedemeyer, Box 92010-Meadowbrook RPO, Edmonton, ALBERTA
CANADA T6T 1N1, (780) 465-6432, wiedem of or wiedem of

Game Notes:
1) An IF RAGE draw (that is all survivors) is proposed. IF RAGE, then what? Please vote with your summer orders and if you don't vote the draw is rejected.

(DUCK to GAME): I didn't realize when Boob called this a "memorial" it was a reference to "time immemorial" and the ongoing and forever nature of such things. I swear we will all be collecting pensions by the time this is over.
(GM to GAME AND DUCK): Are those just the same thing? Is Duck Game? Or is a Duck Game?? Or is THE Duck Game??? At least we have more staying power than Tim Tebow...
(TEBOW TIME): The Wall Street Journal isn't known for its sense of humor. But one WSJ columnist recently gave Tim Tebow a nice subtle dig to lead off a column that wasn't even about sports: "The Lord works in mysterious ways, or so it is often said. But in an era when few can read His signs, those signs have a way of becoming a bit more obvious. Like 45-10."
(FRANCE to AUSTRIA): The only thing I clearly remember about this game is your treachery. Death to the Hapsburgs!
(JAMES to WORLD): The game seems to have lost momentum and interest. If you agree, please vote for the draw.
(IL DUCHY DU NORMANDIE to LEGHORN): See? I told you this would be fun. About as much fun as having dragons tattooed on your face.
(DUCHY to MONDE): An inside reference to our misspent youth.
(BOOB to MONDE): I have a published article in French, you know... I just found it the other day. I was sitting around with Robert Rousse and Alex Amann on Friday and talking about what the proper definition of geek/nerd was. We all agreed that if you were spending lots of time between age 16-24 playing Go, Diplomacy, or running Dungeon and Dragons expeditions instead of chasing girls, the answer was clear. I know which category I was in... which led to...
(RUSSIA to GM): Your Google profile gives your photo plus "Senior Investigator". Do you now investigate seniors? Is this part of the Obamacare Health Mandate Death Panel takeover?
(GM to RUSSIA): It's actually a real job title, I also have the job title Professor... BUT I do qute a lot of investigation of seniors and have been publishing papers promoting things that the Right call "Death Panels". The physicians like to call them "Palliative Care Consults" which to my economist mind is part of the problem. When faced with the choice in the press of calling something a palliative care consult or a death panel, which would YOU choose?? We're finally starting to understand that language matters, and of course negative words ring truest, even to people who SWEAR they are unbiased and don't pay attention to the language tone. I have blog comments as well as published papers on these questions if you felt like hunting around.
(SAUGUS to PROVIDENCE): You guys started re-planning the Great White Trash Tour through California yet? We’re waiting for you...
(PROVIDENCE to SAUGUS): In short, no, we haven't. I sent you guys a bit more detailed private message for the game. Everyone should come to World DipCon to see me, and we have to get Charlotte excited again about the idea. I think she doesn't really want to think about "that time" again.
(ENGLAND to WEST): I trust we all joined together to hold off the Russia/AH steamroller. If not, the Mongolian hoards will be in London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome before too long...
(DON to DREW): Thanks for... you know what. If the GM can get out another move by, say, the 4th of July, we have a chance of remembering enough to keep the bayonettes all pointed in the right direction.
(BOOB to DON): You KNOW that Doug will not allow me to miss deadlines any more...
(JUST A PLAYER to TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR): There was a "Chris Martin" arrested for DWI in the Ithaca area yesterday. I had to check to make sure it was a local person and not a visiting dance instructor at IC or Cornell.
(COME TO WORLD DIPCON ANYWAY): He's not Chris Martin unless he stabs for solos.
(DON to MIKE): Nice to see you’re still around. Too bad you’re doing so well. I always liked you better when your country was smaller than mine. Things were always much safer that way.
Well, I don't know why I'm still in this game,
I just know that Boob is surely to blame.
Been so long I can't remember my name,
Late again, oh yeah it's always the same...
Huns to the left of me,
Wops to the right,
Here I am stuck in this riddle with Drew.
Yes I'm stuck in the middle with Drew.
And I'm wonderin' what it is I should do,
It's so hard to keep this game on my mind,
My old zines I'm sure I never will find,
Doug always pesters me,
Boob's out of sight,
Here I am stuck in this pile of... doo.
Well, we started off with promise,
And we ended in this no man's land.
'Cause the game's gone on forever,
And we're sure the pain will never,
Ea-ee-ee-ee-eese... ea-ee-ee-ee-eese.
Tryin' to make some sense of it all,
It's been years between the spring and the fall,
I want to play so I can even the score,
Who to stab? Who can recall any more?
There's just not much left of me,
It ain't cool - it ain't right.
Here I am, stuck in this muddle with Boob,
Yeah I'm, fucked in this puzzle by Boob.
Well, we started back in '06 –-
Back when Bush was still the president,
Now I won't say this game's a bore,
But Obama's nearly done his four,
Gee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ze... Gee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ze...
Well, I don't know why I'm writing this press,
I guess I still got some things to address,
I'm so scared I'll lose my mind and forget,
Why I'm here, well at least I wouldn't regret...
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in `Phil Reynolds' with you
Yes, I'm stuck in `Phil Reynolds' with you...
Yeah, we're sucked into this muddle by Boob,
Yeah, we're fucked in this puzzle with Boob...
(Song to the tune of "Stuck in the Middle" by Stealers Wheel)

SPIRALS OF PARANOIA: 2005A, Regular Diplomacy
Summer 1909
FRANCE (Jim Tretick for Buddy Tretick): has f ENG, a SPA, f WES, a BUR, f TYH, f NAF,
a MAR, f IRI.
GERMANY (Ozog for Tallman): has a MUN, f KIE, a TYO, a PIE, a BUD, a VIE, a TRI,
a ROM, f SKA, a VEN, a BEL, f NAO.
ITALY (Kent): has f ADR, a NAP, a BUL, a GRE.
RUSSIA (Sundstrom): has f SEV, a UKR, f BLA, a RUM, a ANK, a SYR, a ARM.
TURKEY (Lutterbie): has f SMY, f CON.

Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Paul Rauterberg, 3116 W. American Dr., Greenfield, WI 53221,
(414) 281-2339 (E-Mail) paul.rauterberg of
ENGLAND: Fred Wiedemeyer, Box 92010-Meadowbrook RPO, Edmonton, ALBERTA CANADA T6T 1N1,
(780) 465-6432, wiedem of or wiedem of
FRANCE: Buddy Tretick, 5023 Sewell's Pointe Way, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
FRANCE: Temporary Standby is Jim Tretick, jtretick of
GERMANY: Terry Tallman, PO Box 782, Clinton, WA 98236, (360) 331-5698 ($2)
terryt of
GERMANY: Temporary Standby is Eric Ozog, PO Box 1138, Granite Falls, WA 98252-1138,
(360) 691-4264, ElfEric of
ITALY: Doug Kent, 911 Irene Drive, Mesquite, TX 75149
dougray30 of
RUSSIA: Matt Sundstrom, 1760 Robincrest Lane South, Glenview, IL 60025, (847) 729-1882,
Matt.Sundstrom of or mattandzoe of
TURKEY: Vince Lutterbie, 1021 Stonehaven Ave Marshall, MO 65340-2837,
(660) 886-7354, melvin4852 of

Game Notes:
1) The FGR draw proposal was rejected again and is reproposed, please vote with your fall orders. Remember that if you aren't voting, you are vetoing the draw.
2) We now have two medical replacements, as Buddy's son Jim (who some of us played with many years ago as James Alan) will be playing for Buddy as Eric is playing for Terry.
3) Since no one moved, see last issue, #329, for your map.

FLIP FLOP: 2003G, Regular Diplomacy
Summer 1913
AUSTRIA (Wilson): R a war-PRU; has a PRU.
ENGLAND (Kent): has a YOR, f NAO, f MID, f NWY, a DEN,
a SIL, f NTH, f GOB, f BAL.
FRANCE (McHugh): has a PAR, f NAF, f MAR, a MUN, a BUR, f SPA(SC), a GAS.
GERMANY (Sundstrom): has a STP.
TURKEY (Levinson): has a BUL, a ARM, a CON, f TUN, a MOS, a TUS, f TYH, a WAR,
f WES, a TYO, f ION, f GOL, a BOH, f PIE, a GAL, a VIE.

Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Brad Wilson, 713 Tasker St. #1, Philadelphia, PA 19148-1237
bwdolphin146 of
ENGLAND: Doug Kent, 911 Irene Drive, Mesquite, TX 75149
dougray30 of
FRANCE: Jack McHugh, 810 School Lane, Folcroft, PA 19032, (856) 456-5984,
jwmchughjr of
GERMANY: Matt Sundstrom, 1760 Robincrest Lane South, Glenview, IL 60025, (847) 729-1882,
Matt.Sundstrom of or mattandzoe of
ITALY: Don Williams, 27505 Artine Drive, Saugus, CA 91350, (661) 297-3947,
wllmsfmly of or dwilliams of
RUSSIA: Sean O'Donnell, 1044 Wellfleet Drive, Grafton, OH 44044, (440) 926-0230,
sean_o_donnell of
TURKEY: Alexandre Levinson, Beeklaan 504, 2562BP Den Haag THE NETHERLANDS, don't need phone,
al of ($5)

Game Notes:
1) The host of draw proposals: FET, FATE, and FAE; all were rejected.


SECRETS: 1999D, Regular Diplomacy

Addresses of the Participants
ENGLAND: Doug Kent, 911 Irene Drive, Mesquite, TX 75149
dougray30 of
FRANCE: Roland Sasseville, Jr., 38 Bucklin Street, Pawtucket, RI 02861, (401) 481-4280 ($0)
rolands6 of
GERMANY: Mike Barno, 1071 Warren Road Apt 8 Ithaca, NY 14850, (607) 481-4526
mpbarno of
RUSSIA: Bob Osuch, 19137 Midland Avenue, Mokena, IL 60448, (708) 478-3885
ROsuch4082 of
TURKEY: Bruce Linsey, PO Box 234, Kinderhook, NY 12106
GonzoHQ of

Game Notes:
1) Now, we would like to see some more endgame statements if we could, I've printed the full game SC chart and would like to print more endgame statements in the next issue. I think Bruce also is going to say that he is retiring from Diplomacy with this game (I hope he doesn't). Bruce has promised me an endgame statement, so we'll keep this game on the books for one more issue. Remember, this game began in 1999, thirteen years ago!!!

CAST NO SHADOWS: Breaking Away, Designer's Rules
Rules at: /Postal/Zines/TAP/Tinamou/rules/BreakingAway.htm
Turn 17 (just run enough to get last three places)
FINISHED BEFORE Carrot, Granny, Water,
Kyrie, Gloria
NEWLY FINISHED Krstajic (6), Mideast (4), Agnus (2)
-F-I-N-A-L- -F-I-N-I-S-H- -L-I-N-E-
120 (no replenishment) Empty
119 (no replenishment) Empty
118 (no replenishment) Empty
117 (no replenishment) Empty
116 (no replenishment) Empty
115 (replenish with a 5) Drugs
114 (replenish with a 6) Rincewind
113 (no replenishment) Empty
112 (no replenishment) Empty
111 (replenish with a 3) Crockett
110 (no replenishment) Empty
109 (replenish with a 3) Zorro, Xavier, Kyoto
108 (no replenishment) Empty
107 (no replenishment) Empty
106 (replenish with a 3) Vidic
105 (replenish with a 4) Dragutinovic
104 (replenish with a 5) Sanctus
103 (replenish with a 6) Bowie, Bonham
102 (replenish with a 8) Travis
101 (replenish with a 9) Wally
100 (no replenishment) Empty
99 (no replenishment) Empty
98 (no replenishment) Empty
97 (no replenishment) Empty
96 (no replenishment) Empty
95 (no replenishment) Empty
94 (no replenishment) Empty
93 (no replenishment) Empty
92 (no replenishment) Empty
91 (no replenishment) Empty
90 (no replenishment) Empty
89 (no replenishment) Empty
88 (no replenishment) Empty
87 (no replenishment) Empty
86 (no replenishment) Empty
85 (no replenishment) Empty
84 (no replenishment) Empty
83 (no replenishment) Empty
82 (no replenishment) Empty
81 (replenish with a 3) Gavrancic
-S-P-R-I-N-T- -F-I-N-I-S-H- -L-I-N-E-
80 (no replenishment) Empty
79 (no replenishment) Empty
78 (no replenishment) Empty
77 (no replenishment) Empty
76 (replenish with a 3) Yorick, Death

Addresses of the Participants - Their Team and Their Cards
TEAM 1 (Rick Desper): rick_desper of (51 points)
Team Name: The Turtle Moves; Captained by Cut-My-Own-Throat Dibbler
A: Rincewind the Wizzard 6 3 6 6 (8)
B: Granny Weatherwax Finished
C: Captain Carrot Finished
D: Death 3 3 3 (3)
(Rincewind with the Luggage, Granny on Her Broom, Carrot of the City Watch, and Death is just DEATH!)
Total Replenishments: 12+58+18+15+33+33+18+28+19+31+16+42+35+16+15+9 = 398
TEAM 2 (Tom Howell): off-the-shelf of (29 points)
Team Name: Never Ending Worry Source; Manager: Rumour; Team Captain: Ye Olde Manager
A: Water Finished
B: Kyoto 3 3 3 (7)
C: Mideast 10 7 3 (11)
D: Drugs 10 9 5 (11)
Total Replenishments: 12+35+37+44+30+22+16+30+24+23+18+27+43+50+22+11 = 444
TEAM 3 ((David Partridge): rebhuhn of (6 points)
Team Name: Famous Four
A: Krstajic 4 5 4 3 (17)
B: Vidic 3 8 3 (6)
C: Gavrancic 3 3 3 (3)
D: Dragutinovic 4 3 4 (4)
Total Replenishments: 12+35+40+28+13+18+16+28+20+29+14+56+14+14+19+13 = 369
TEAM 4 (Brendan Whyte): obiwonfive of (9 points)
Team Name: The Reverse Alphabeticists
A: Zorro 4 3 3 3 (11)
B: Yorick 3 3 3 (3)
C: Xavier 5 3 3 (11)
D: Wally 3 3 9 (3)
Total Replenishments: 12+26+24+28+28+38+17+18+16+19+15+31+20+30+12+18 = 352
TEAM 5 (Alexander Woo): aswoo of (44 points)
Team Name: Just Ordinary; Manager: Credo
A: Agnus 7 6 7 3 (11)
B: Sanctus 4 4 5 (3)
C: Kyrie Finished
D: Gloria Finished
Total Replenishments: 12+44+22+17+22+42+28+25+27+26+17+24+45+17+8 = 376
TEAM 6 (Andy York): wandrew88 of (17 points)
Team Name: Alamo
A: Crockett 4 3 4 3 (10)
B: Travis 3 3 8 (4)
C: Bowie 3 3 6 (5)
D: Bonham 3 3 6 (5)
Total Replenishments: 12+12+12+60+20+22+21+19+16+38+17+55+18+13+23 = 358

Game Notes:
1) I just noted the three last moves that take the last three sets of points. Rick Desper wins with 51 points, a brilliant balanced play!!! Alex Woo finishes second with 44 points. Tom Howell had the highest number of replenishments (meaning he has a lot of great cards unused in his hands) but finishes third with 29 points. Andy York plugs along and finishes fourth with 17 points. Brendan Whyte finishes fifth, and Dave Partridge brings up the rear as he gets off the schneide on this last turn, but still doesn't pass Brendan.
2) The rules are on the TAP website in the Tinamou section. Ask if you have any questions. Up above in parentheses is the card you played to get to where you are in the field. The replenishment card is the last card in your list. Be careful to note that the card you played (the one in parentheses) is not available for you, for next turn. Just for fun, I'm going to keep track of total replenishment, by turn, which is a rough measure of how the teams are doing. Of course, it is lining up to get across the sprint and final lines in the right places that really counts.
3) So far, Andy York is the only one interested in another game of this?? I'd like to get six again. I left everything else here for one more issue in case you'd like to write endgame statements.

Rick Santorum said today that, "I don’t believe that the separation of church and state is absolute. The First Amendment means the free exercise of religion and that means bringing people and their faith into the public square." Interesting idea... one of the things that bothers me when people say things like that (I don't know if Rick Santorum believes this) is whether they think they are "following the founding fathers" in doing so. I always go back to James Madison when I'm seeking wisdom on this. Here are some quotes from Madison that illustrate what the separation of church and state is about:
"The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries." (note that includes both civil and nation warfare, and it promotes the diversity of religions healthy for society)
"The number, the industry, and the morality of the priesthood, and the devotion of the people have been manifestly increased by the total separation of the church from the state." (research in the present day clearly shows this to be true, Madison was a great sensemaker, and so those who favor religious faith communities should support this idea, lest they end up with the faith society in places like Scandinavia that scare them so much)
And finally, and most importantly: "The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted." (never forget that one, and it ties the first two together)
Interestingly, there is a tenet among thoughtful faithful people that strong faith communities bring diverse contradictory political beliefs together without personal judgments upon one another, not a bad goal for a democratic society either. I honestly don't understand what Rick Santorum wants.

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