November 27, 2001 |
Web Page Address: /Postal/Zines/TAP/index.html
(Sometimes I Feel Like) FLETCHER CHRISTIAN: 1999Cgh013, Colonia VIIb Diplomacy |
Fall 1758 - Revisited
AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): a venice-SWISSE, f tahiti-BISMARCK SEA,
f NAPLES S f western mediterranean sea, a BURGUNDY S a paris-flanders,
a BULGARIA S a istanbul, a AMAZON S a manaus-matto grosso, a ISTANBUL
s RUSSIAN a caucasus-armenia (nso), f MELBOURNE-coral sea, f IONIAN SEA
S f western mediterranean sea, a BOLIVIA S a manaus-matto grosso,
a paris-FLANDERS, a GREECE-jerusalem, f SAMOA S f tahiti-bismarck sea,
a RHINE S a paris-flanders, f EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA C a greece-jerusalem,
a manaus-MATTO GROSSO, f TASMAN SEA S f tahiti-bismarck sea, a SAVOY-toulon,
a colombia prays for an nmr (h) (d r:ecuador,otb), f WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA h,
f south pacific ocean-fiji (d r:tahiti,east pacific ocean,antarctic ocean,peru,chile,otb).
CHINA (Acheson): f YELLOW SEA-manchuria, f amoy-EAST CHINA SEA,
a wuhan-CHINGHAI, a SINKIANG S a nepal-kasmir, f kwantung-SOUTH CHINA SEA,
f south china sea-SUBIC BAY, f gulf of siam-MALAYA, a MAHRATTA S a nepal-kasmir,
a nepal-KASMIR, f sea of japan-VLADIVOSTOK, a SIAM S f gulf of siam-malaya,
f WEST PACIFIC OCEAN S f amoy-east china sea, a BURMA S a siam,
a BORNEO h, a BENGAL S a burma, a MONGOLIA-manchuria, f JAPAN S f amoy-east china sea.
ENGLAND (Power): f NORTH SEA S f edinburgh-norwegian sea, f edinburgh-NORWEGIAN SEA,
a venezuela-MANAUS, a malaya-SUMATRA, f MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN
S f central atlantic ocean-azores, a flanders s a antwerp (d r:brittany,otb),
a ghana-ASHANTI, f central atlantic ocean-AZORES, f ANDAMAN SEA C a malaya-sumatra,
f SURINAM S f west indies-venezuela, f west indies-VENEZUELA, f ONTARIO h,
f NEW ZEALAND S SPANISH f philippine sea-coral sea, a ifni-MOROCCO,
a ANTWERP s a flanders, a GABON-angola, a matto grosso-amazon
(d r:paraguay,brazil,ricefe,otb), f HUDSON BAY S f east atlantic ocean-north atlantic ocean,
f ricefe-BAHIA, f east atlantic ocean-NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, f argentina-PATAGONIA,
a CONGO S a gabon-angola, a brazil-ARGENTINA, a dakar-GHANA,
f MALAY SEA C a malaya-sumatra, f ENGLISH CHANNEL S a antwerp, f BELEM S f surinam.
FRANCE (Alme): a manitoba h (d r:yukon,otb).
OTTOMAN (Schleinkofer): a BAGHDAD-armenia, a SUEZ-jerusalem,
f PERSIAN GULF S a persia, f BLACK SEA-istanbul, a ARABIA-yemen,
f IZMIR S f black sea-istanbul, a PERSIA s a baghdad-armenia, a omsk-SIBERIA.
PORTUGAL (Stimmel): f canaries-azores (nsu), f azores h
(d r:canaries,east atlantic ocean,otb).
RUSSIA (Rauterberg): f BAY OF BENGAL-andaman sea, f south indian ocean-SOMALI SEA,
f BARENTS SEA C a norway-ural, f CRIMEA-black sea, a KIEV S a norway-ural,
f NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN C a siberia-hawaii, f nizam-KHANDESH, a CAUCASUS
-armenia, a siberia-HAWAII, f west indian
ocean-ARABIAN SEA, f SE ATLANTIC OCEAN-angola, f vancouver-OREGON,
a LITHUANIA-crimea, a ROMANIA S a lithuania-crimea, a DENMARK-hanover,
f east indian ocean-JAVA, f alaska-VANCOUVER, f PUNJAB-persia,
f norwegian sea-NORWAY, a norway-URAL, a AFGHANISTAN S f punjab-persia,
a HANOVER-hague, a HAGUE-antwerp, a KATANGA S f se atlantic ocean-angola,
f bering strait-ALASKA.
SPAIN (Partridge): f GULF OF CALIFORNIA S f honduras(wc)-gulf of panama,
f CALIFORNIA h, f GULF OF MEXICO C a louisiana-colombia, f TOULON h,
f PHILIPPINE SEA-coral sea, a HUELVA h, a oregon-MANITOBA,
a PANAMA S a louisiana-colombia, f GIBRALTAR S f valencia-western
mediterranean sea, a morocco-TAUREG, f east china sea h
(d r:korea,sea of japan,kwantung,otb), f CARIBBEAN SEA C a louisiana-colombia,
f TAIWAN h, f YEMEN h, a ARAGON S f toulon, a BORDEAUX S f toulon,
f GULF OF ADEN S f yemen, f raboul-SOLOMON SEA, a NUMIDIA S a tunis,
S f wake-south pacific ocean, f wake-SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, a lisbon-LEON,
f ALGERIA S f valencia-western mediterranean sea, f CORAL SEA-fiji,
a ethiopia-KENYA, a louisiana-COLOMBIA, a benin-FEZAN,
a TUNIS S a libya, a MISSOURI S a oregon-manitoba, a LIBYA S a egypt,
f VALENCIA-western mediterranean sea, f TARAWA S f wake-south pacific ocean.
Supply Center Chart
AUSTRIA (Prosnitz): | BUD,VIE,TRI,TAH,col,pps, | (has 19 or 20 or 21, even(2 r:otb) |
sav,ecu,peru,gre,sam,bol,bul, | or rem 1(r:otb) or 2) |
par,MEL,NAP,fij,ist,bav |
CHINA (Acheson): | PEK,WUH,XIA,AMO,tib,NAN, | (has 17, bld 2(S r:korea) or 3) |
sin,jap,manch,mon,kor?,nep,mah,sia,bur,cam, |
ben,vla,MLA,bor |
ENGLAND (Power): | NIG,EDI,LON,kam,ire,gab, | (has 25 or 26 or 27, bld 3(2 r:otb) |
sum,con,ant,uga,arg,togo,SUR,QUE, | or 2(r:otb) or 1) |
gha,bel,vol,bah,BRA,DAK,vza,ric,ont, |
ifn,azo,nwz,ven,mor |
FRANCE (Alme): | none | (out) |
OTTOMAN (Schleinkofer): | IZM,BAG,oms,jer,persia | (has 8, rem 3) |
PORTUGAL (Stimmel): | none | (out) |
RUSSIA (Rauterberg): | MOS,KIE,CAP,STP,CRI,pol,moz, | (has 25, bld 3) |
swe,mal,zam,den,rom,han,die,nwy,GOA,nat, |
niz,hag,cey,ANG,ALA,kha,van,ore,HAW, |
afg,jav |
SPAIN (Partridge): | MAD,MEX,SOM,VAL,MANILA,cal, | (has 33 or 34, bld 3(r:korea,otb) or 2) |
tun,rab,eth,hon,tex,nwg,ken,lis,lag,FLO, |
lou,iwo,num,tau,ohi,vir,gua,tar,tim,cub, |
tai,bdx,sud,wak,mas,manit,tou,fez,egy,yem, |
kor? |
Neutral: | none | (Total=136) |
Addresses of the Participants
AUSTRIA: Gene Prosnitz, 2600 Netherland Ave., Apt. 1116, Riverdale, NY 10463, (718) 601-8131 ($5)
ProsnitzE of
CHINA: Bob Acheson, 807-556 Laurier Ave., Ottawa, ONTARIO K1R 7X2, CANADA ($5)
racheson of
ENGLAND: John Power, 18 Tilton Court, Baltimore, MD 21236, (410) 933-8827 ($4)
natjohn2 of or jrpower of
FRANCE: Hank Alme, 506 Paige Loop, Los Alamos, NM 87544
almehj of
OTTOMAN: Art Schleinkofer, 3120 Holly Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154-1708
Krolart of
PORTUGAL: Robert Stimmel, Apt. #57, Casa de Sherry Apts., 2462 North Sycamore Blvd.,
Tucson, AZ 85712-2541, (520) 326-8369 ($5)
RUSSIA: Paul Rauterberg, 3116 W. American Dr., Greenfield, WI 53221, (414) 281-2339 (E-Mail)
trauterberg of
SPAIN: Dave Partridge, 15 Woodland Drive, Brookline, NH 03033
rebhuhn of
Game Notes:
1) Thank you very much to Hank Alme and Robert Stimmel for playing out their respective positions. We are now down to six players. I'm sure about that, but please check the rest of the Supply Center Chart carefully, there were lots of changes and I'm not sure I kept up with all of them properly.
2) Mega-apologies for misplacing an order revision from Paul Rauterberg. The new results are up above, note that England has one less center, Austria has one more, as a result. Since I am relatively late sending this update, one request will be sufficient to delay the Winter deadline until the Dec. 22 issue deadline.
(CHINA-RUSSIA): I think I'd be more comfortable in the Bay of Bengal.
(SPAIN - OTTOMAN): Sorry my friend, it would have been easier not to had you written.
(CHINA-SPAIN): I did pass on IWO.