Air Sea Diplomacy Demonstration Game


Air-Sea Diplomacy adds a few new elements to Regular Diplomacy. New units are the airplane and the submarine.

There are still 34 supply centers. However, instead of building one-for-one, each supply center has an economic value of 7. Each unit has a cost of 4 economic points. Therefore, at start, each power starts with 5 units, while Russia starts with 7 units.

The submarine may do everythng that a fleet can do, and may also be ordered to the sub-space of each body of water. Submarines may capture supply centers. The airplane has a movement factor of 4 and an attack factor of one. Planes cannot capture supply centers.

At-start builds are all optional. Planes can exist in a province with any other unit. No others units may share a province.

Planes of different nationalities, even enemies, may share the same province. If three or more planes attempt to land in the same province, all are eliminated.

The creator of this variant, Buddy Tretick, and his son Jim played a few turns to demostrate the various units and possible moves. A full set of rules will be provided later.


Buddy and Jim can be reached at and


Jim Tretick: Russia, Austria, and France

Buddy Tretick: England, Germany, Italy, and Turkey


Notes: a = army, f = fleet, s = sub, p = plane, S = support, L = land, 


Winter 1900 Supply Centers and Economic Points


            Centers                Econ                Units                                               

             Owned               Points On Board                       

France            3                    21                      5                                               

Austria           3                    21                      5                                               

Russia            4                    28                      7                                               


England          3                    21                      5                                               

Italy                3                    21                      5                                               

Germany        3                    21                      5                                               

Turkey           3                    21                      5                                               


Winter 1900 Builds


Russia: a war, a mos, a stp, f sev, p war, p stp, p mos

Austria:             a bud, a vie, a tri, p tri, p bud

France:             a par, a mar, f bre, s bre, p par


England:            f edi, p edi, f lon, p lon, f lvp

Italy:                 a ven, p ven, f rom, f nap, p rom

Germany:            a mun, p mun, a ber, p kie, f kie

Turkey: a con, p con, f ank, p ank, f smy


Spring 1901 Moves


Russia: a war-sil, a mos-lvn, a stp-nwy, f sev-bla, p war S a war-sil l ser, p stp-pru L lvn, p sev S f sev-bla L sev

Austria: a bud-rum, a vie-tyo, a tri-ser, p tri S a vie-tyo L vie, p bud-aeg L gre

France: a par-bur, a mar S a par-bur, f bre-enc, s bre-mid,  p par S f bre-enc L pic


England: f edi-nse, p edi CAP nwy L edi, f lon-enc, f lvp-nat, p lon S p edi CAP nwy L cly

Italy:     a ven-tyo, p ven S a ven-tyo L apu, p ven S a ven-tyo L apu, f rom-tyn, f nap-ion

Germany: a mun-ruh, p kie S AUS a ven-tyo L boh, p mun S AUS a ven-tyo L boh, a ber-kie, f kie-hol

Turkey: a con-bul, f smy-aeg, f arm-bla, p ank S f ank-bla L bul, p con f ank-bla L gre


Note: All units have a combat factor of one. Therefore, the Austrian plane bounced the Turkish f smy-aeg and the English planes bounced the Russian a stp-nor.


Positions After Spring 1901


Russia: a sil, a lvn, a stp, f sev, p ser, p lvn, p sev

Austria: a rum, a vie, a ser, p vie, p gre

France: a bur, a mar , f enc, s mid, p pic


Turkey: a bul, f smy, f bla, p gre, p bul

England: f nse, p edi, f lon, f nat, p cly

Italy: a tyo, p apu, p apu, f tyn, f ion

Germany: a ruh, p boh, p boh, a kie, f hol


Fall 1901 Moves


Russia: a sil-mun, a lvn-pru, a stp-fin, f sev-rum, p ser S f sev-rum,  p lvn S f sev-rum L ukr, p sev S f sev-rum L ukr

Austria: a rum-bul, a vie-tri , a ser S a rum-bul, p vie S a vie-tri L gal, p gre S a rum-bul L alb

France: a bur S f enc-bel, a mar-spa, f enc-bel, s mid-por, p pic S f enc-bel L pic


Turkey : a bul-ser, f smy-aeg, f bla-rum, p gre-bul-rum S f bla-rum L con, p bul-rum S f bla-rum L ank

Italy: a tyo-vie, f tyn-tun, f ion S f tyn-tun, p apu S TUR a bul-ser L alb, p apu S TUR a bul-ser L alb

England: f lon-enc, f nat-mid, f nse-nwy, p edi S f nse-nwy L fin, p cly S f nse-nwy L fin

Germany: a kie-den, a ruh-bel, f hol S a ruh-bel, p boh S a ruh-bel L ruh, p boh S a ruh-bel L hol


Fall 1901 Retreats


Austria: a gre R alb

France: a spa R gas


Positions After Fall 1901


Russia: a ber, a fin, f bla, a mun, p arm, f stp nc, f sev

Austria: a rum, a ser, a alb, p gal, a bud, p bud, p alb

France: a ruh, a gas, f enc, s por, p pic, a par, f mid, p wal


Turkey: a bul, f aeg, p smy, p smy

England: f iri, f lon, f stp nc, p stp, p par, p par

Italy: a vie, f wmd, f ion, a pie, p gas, p tus, p tus, p naf

Germany: a bur, a den, f nse, a kie, a sil, p sil


Winter 1901 Supply Centers


France:  bre  par  mar  POR  SPA

Austria: tri  vie  bud  BUL

Russia:  mos  war  stp  sev  RUM  MUN


England: lon  lvp  edi  NWY

Italy: ven  rom  nap  VIE  TUN

Germany: mun  kie  ber  HOL  BEL  DEN

Turkey : con  ank  smy  SER


Neutral: nwy  swe  den  bel  hol  por  spa  tun  gre  ser  bul  rum


                                                                                                                Units                Units                Econ                     

             Owned             Gained                 Lost                Total                 Lost          on Board               Points             Builds


France            3                      2                      0                      5                      0                      5                 35/3                    4

Austria           3                      2                      1                      4                      1                      4                 28/0                    4

Russia            4                      2                      0                      6                      0                      7                 42/2                    3


England          3                      1                      0                      4                      2                      3                 28/0                    4

Germany        3                      3                      1                      5                      0                      5                 35/3                    4

Italy                3                      2                      0                      5                      2                      3                 35/3                    4

Turkey           3                      1                      0                      4                      0                      5                 28/0                    2


Winter 1901 Builds


Russia: f stp nc, f sev, p war

Austria: a bud, p bud, p tri, Playing one short

France: a par, f bre, p par, p mar


England: p lvp, p lvp, p edi, p edi

Germany: a kie, a ber, p ber

Italy: a ven, p ven, p nap, p rom

Turkey: p con, p ank


Spring 1902 Moves


Russia: a mun-kie, a pru-ber, a fin-swe, f rum-bla, p gal S AUS a bul-con L bul, p sil S a pru-ber L boh, p ukr-ank L arm, f stp nc-nwy, f sev S f rum-bla, p war S a pru-ber L lvn

Austria: a bul-con, a tri-ser, a gre S a tri-ser, p gal S a tri-ser L gal, a bud S a tri-ser, p bud S RUS f rum-bla L bud, p tri S a tri-ser L alb

France: a bur S a par-pic, a spa H, f enc S f bre-mid, s por S f bre-mid, p pic-hol L pic, a par-pic, f bre-mid, p par-lon L wal, p mar S a par-pic L par


Turkey: a ser-bul, f smy-aeg, f bla-rum, p ank S a ser-bul L ank, p ank S a ser-bul L ank, p con S a ser-bul L smy, p con S a ser-bul L smy

England: f lon S GER f hol-nse, f mid-spa sc, f nwy-stp nc, p edi S f nwy-stp nc L lvn, p edi S f nwy-stp nc L stp, p lvp-par L par, p lvp S p lvp-par L par, p lon S f nwy-stp nc L lvn

Italy: a vie-bud, f tun-wmd, f ion-gre, a ven-pie, p ven S GER a bul-bur L gas, p rom S a ven-pie L tus, p rom S a ven-pie L tus, p nap S f tun-wmd L naf

Germany: a bel-bur, p hol S a bel-bur L boh, p ruh S a bel-bur L boh, a den-swe, f hol-nse, a kie-ber, a ber-sil, p ber S a bel-bur L sil


Positions After Spring 1902


Russia: a ber, a fin, f bla, a mun, p arm, f stp nc, f sev

Austria: a rum, a ser, a gre, p gal, a bud, p bud, p alb

France: a ruh, a spa, f enc, s por, p pic, a par, f mid, p wal


Turkey: a bul, f aeg, p smy, p smy

England: f iri, f lon, f stp nc, p stp, p par, p par

Italy: a vie, f wmd, f ion, a pie, p gas, p tus, p tus, p naf

Germany: a bur, a den, f nse, a kie, a sil, p sil


Fall 1902 Moves


Russia: a mun-kie, a ber S a mun-kie, a fin-nwy, f bas S a fin-nwy, f bla-ank, p arm S f bla-ank L smy, f sev-arm

Austria: a rum-bul, a ser S a rum-bul, a gre S a rum-bul, p alb S a rum-bul, a bud-vie, p gal S a bud-vie, p bud CAP tri L ser

France: a ruh-hol, p pic-bel S a  ruh-hol L bel, a spa-mar, f enc S f mid, s por-spa sc, a pic-par, f mid S f enc, p wal-enc-nor S RUS a fin-nor L fin


Turkey: a bul-gre, f aeg-bul ec, p smy S ITA a vie-bud L bud, p smy S a bul-gre L apu

England: f iri-mid, f lon-enc, f stp nc S GER f nse-nwy, p rum S f stp nc L mos, p stp S f stp nc L gal, p par- S ITA f wmd-spa sc L naf, p par- S ITA a pie-mar L ven

Italy: a vie-bud, f ion S TUR a bul-gre, f wmd-spa sc, p naf S f wmd-spa sc L tun, p gas S f wmd-spa sc L tun, a pie-mar, p tus S a pie-mar L tyo, p tus S a pie-mar L tyo

Germany: a bur-mun, a den-swe, f nse-nwy, a kie-hol, a sil-ber, p sil S ENG f stp nc H L mos


Positions After Fall 1902


Russia: a mun, a ber, a nwy, f bar, f ank, p smy, f arm

Austria: a bul, a ser, a alb, p bul, a bud, p ser

France: a hol, p bel, a gas, f enc, s por, a par, f mid, p fin


Turkey: a gre, f aeg, p apu

England: f iri, f lon, f stp nc, p gal, p naf, p ven

Italy: a vie, f ion, f spa sc, p tun, p tun, a mar, p tyo, p tyo

Germany: a bur, a swe, f nse, a kie, a sil, p mos


Winter 1902 Supply Center Chart


France                        bre  par por  spa  mar

Austria                        tri  bud  bul  gre  CON  SER

Russia                        mos  war sev  rum  mun  stp  NWY  BER  ANK


England                                    lon  lvp  edi  nwy  SWE  STP

Italy                                         ven  rom  nap  vie  tun  SPA  MAR

Germany                        kie hol  bel  den  ber  SWE

Turkey                        con  ank  smy  ser  GRE


Neutral                        swe 


                Had            GAINS                  loses            Centers                Units               Points               Builds                     

                                                                                                         On Board                                                                     

France            5                      0                      2                      3                      8                    28                   -1

Austria           4                      2                      1                      5                      7                    28                  +1

Russia            6                      3                      1                      8                      8                    56                  +7


England          4                      2                      1                      5                      7                    28                  +1

Italy                5                      2                      0                      7                      8                    49                  +1

Germany        5                      1                      1                      5                      6                    28                  +4

Turkey           4                      1                      3                      2                      3                    21                  +2


Notes: Turkish plane BUD is annihilated.  Russian plane BUD remains. Austrian plane VIE is annihilated.


Winter 1902 Builds


France:  –1  R f mid

Austria:  +1  P bud

Russia:  +7   playing 2 short  A war, P war, P mos, P sev, P sev



England: +3  p edi, p edi, p lon

Italy: +1  p ven

Germany: +1  p kie

Turkey: +2  p smy, p smy