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Postal Article Library

Note: We're working on adding links to interesting articles about the Postal Hobby to the list. If you have any suggestions send them to me.

The First Decade by Stephen Agar
From the pages of Diplomacy World
A Postal Diplomacy Introduction by Cal White
From the The Canadian Diplomacy Organization
Play-by-Mail Diplomacy vs Play-by-Electronic-Mail Diplomacy: Some Differences in Style and Feel by Jim Burgess
From the pages of Diplomacy World
The Pulp is Past or How I Came to Be the Custodian of the Hoosier Archives and What I Found There. by Jamie McQuinn
From the pages of Diplomacy World
What Do You Say? by Pat Conlon
From the pages of Diplomacy World
Your First Game of Postal Diplomacy. by Stephen Agar
From the pages of The Vault: The UK Postal Diplomacy Archive Web Page
The Smell of the Copy Toner by Mark Kinney
From the Winter 1997 Adjustment issue of the Diplomatic Pouch Zine.

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The Diplomatic Pouch is brought to you by the DP Council.
The Postal Diplomacy section is coordinated by Stephen Agar.