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General Resources
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diplomacy-archive Resources
Player Reference Sources
Judge PBEM Resources
Diplomacy Player Communities
Diplomacy Hobby Organizations 
Diplomacy Zines on the Web
Non-English Diplomacy Pages
Other Diplomacy Pages
Quick Reference Page
(All resources on one page)

The North American Diplomacy Federation
The primary function is to support, promote and report play of the game of Diplomacy at the board in North America. This web site provides information about the NADF standings and the North American Diplomacy Federation Grand Prix.

The Diplomatic Corps
The Diplomatic Corps is a non-profit worldwide group of players and hobby organizations. Its purpose is to help support and promote the various forms of playing Diplomacy: face to face games, tournaments, e-mail, postal, and live Internet play.

The Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand
The home page for the DAANZ, with information relating to the Diplomacy Hobby in Australia and New Zealand.

The UK Home of Diplomacy
A page containing information on the Diplomacy hobby, geared toward people in the UK.

Canadian Diplomacy Organization
The home page of the Canadian Diplomacy Organization serving primarily the Canadian Diplomacy hobby but with useful information for everyone.

Suomen Diplomacy Seura
The home page of the Finnish Diplomacy Association (in Finnish).

Norsk Diplomacyforbund
The home page of the Norwegian Diplomacy Association (in Norwegian).

Japan International Games Guild
The home page of the JIGG, which runs among other things several Diplomacy variant games.