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The adjudicator follows The Rules of Diplomacy as specified by Hasbro with the following exceptions:
When a fleet can move to two coasts and the coast is not specified,
the adjudicator will pick an arbitrary coast. Actually not totally
arbitrary, but the first one in its movement list.
Abbreviations are the first three characters of the province name
except for provinces starting with "gul", "liv", "nor" and "tyr".
These are abbreviated as follows:
Do not specify owners of units in support and convoy orders. This
redundant specification would unnecessarily complicate the parser.
The movement results will indicate the alternate power on support
and convoy orders.
Based on the second statement after XIV.5, IX.7 does not apply if
either or both of the dislodged or dislodging unit is convoyed.
Armies intending to use a convoy must specify the convoy route
in their movement orders as in the examples:
Since convoy routes must be specified, there will never be any ambiguity.
a) This rule when taken literally can have some unintended results.
For example:
What happens in the Mid-Atlantic ocean? What about if the additional order:
is entered? With literal interpretation of the rules, the fleet in Spain would be dislodged, but its support to the fleet in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean (of an action in a body of water containing a convoying fleet) would not be cut. This adjudicator makes five passes to determine what support gets cut:
Using this algorithm, Spain's support above would be cut in pass three. The Mid-Atlantic Ocean's dislodgement would be detected in pass four. Portugal would be given the "no convoy" status and thus would have no effect on any unit in Brest in pass five.
If a power is required to remove a unit and no valid order is
received, the least recently produced unit that is not at a supply
center will be disbanded. This is the first one listed on the
reports which will be the one most likely to be furthest away from
a home supply center.