
Last revised: Nov 5, 1994

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  Modern Diplomacy is intended to be diplomacy with an updated map,
circa 1994, taking place in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
Any country with more than 30 million inhabitants was made a power.
Those with more than 60 million inhabitants were given 4 home centers,
while Russia (with 200 million plus) was given 5. Iran would have
qualified as a 4 supply center power, but this would have made it
necessary to extend the map into Asia, so it was not done.

  Historically, we have to consider that the European Community and
all international alliances and organizations such as NATO and the
UN were broken down. Perhaps the United States suffered a major
cataclysm, or simply decided to ignore the outside world - but in
any case, it will not intervene in Europe.

  Other than this, borders and neutral supply centers were distributed
to even out the game. Monaco was made a neutral SC (it has lots 
of money) even though it's size does not warrant it, and Gibraltar was
made a British home SC, bot to give Britain a port in the Mediterranean,
and to give Spain more than one neighbour). 

  Also, there was originally, a new type of unit - planes - added to the
game. Planes could go over water and land but could not capture a
supply center. Therefore, if France managed to move a plane over London,
England would still own it, but not be able to build there. The game
was playtested both with and without planes, and it was felt that
both were valid games. For reasons of simplicity in moving it to the
judge, what is discussed below is the game without planes.


  3 center powers: Egypt (E), Poland (P), Spain (S)
  4 center powers: Britain (B), France (F), Germany (G), Italy (I),
                   Turkey (T), Ukraine (U)
  5 center powers: Russia (R)

  Starting positions (Spring 1994):

  Britain (B) : F EDI, F GIB, F LIV, F LON
  Egypt (E) : F ALE, A ASW, F CAI
  France (F) : F BOR, A LYO, A MAR, A PAR
  Germany (G) : F BER, A FRA, F HAM, A MUN
  Italy (I) : A MIL, F NAP, A ROM, F VEN
  Poland (P) : F GDA, A KRA, A WAR
  Russia (R) : A GOR, A MOS, A MUR, F ROS, F STP
  Spain (S) : F BAR, A MAD, A SEV
  Turkey (T) : A ADA, F ANK, A IST, F IZM
  Ukraine (U) : A KHA, A KIE, A ODE, F SEV  

  Winning Conditions:

  38 home centers + 26 neutral = 64 total centers
  33 needed to win


  Notes on Geography:

  Cairo, Hamburg and Istanbul behave as Kiel and Constantinople did in the
original game: they have no coasts but fleets can pass through them to
bodies of water of both sides.

  There is another canal linking Rostov and Volga, thus permitting
access to the Caspian Sea to ships. Rostov is situated along the
Don River which empties into the Black Sea, while the Volga empties
into the Caspian Sea. In the real world there is a canal at Volgograd
linking the two rivers, somewhere in the southern Volga region on
the map. This is the only way to get ships into and out of the
Caspian Sea.

  Iran is the only territory with multiple coasts in the game - the south 
coast touches the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf, while the north coast
touches the Caspian Sea.

  Where possible, the full name of a territory was put on the map. The
following were only abbreviated by the first three letters:

  adr sea : adriatic sea
  ana : anatolia
  apu : apulia
  auv : auvergne
  bar : barcelona
  bel : belgium
  bos : bosnia
  bri : brittany
  cly : clyde
  cze : czech republic
  edi : edinburgh
  fra : frankfurt
  gib : gibraltar
  ham : hamburg
  hel : heligoland bight
  hol : holland
  isr : israel
  liv : liverpool
  lon : london
  mac : macedonia
  mar : marseilles
  mil : milan
  mol : moldavia
  mon : monaco
  mun : munich
  nap : naples
  pic : picardy
  pie : piedmont
  por : portugal
  pru : prussia
  rom : rome
  sax : saxony
  ska : skagerrak
  tus : tuscany
  ven : venice
  wal : wales
  yor : yorkshire


  Abbreviations for territories are the first 3 letters of the territory,
except for:

  barents sea: bare, bars  (conflict with barcelona)
  bornholm sea: born, bors  (conflict with bordeaux)
  eastern black sea: ebs
  eastern mediterranean: emed
  eastern sahara: esah
  gulf of bothnia
  gulf of lyon: gol
  libyan sea: lbn
  north atlantic ocean: nao
  north sea: nth
  norwegian sea: nwg
  seville: sve          (conflict with sevastopol)
  western black sea: wbs
  western mediterranean: wmed
  western sahara: wsah
  Alternatives are also available for many spaces, especially water
spaces. See the map file for these alternative abbreviations.

Programmed for the judge by Vincent Mous & Nicholas Fitzpatrick

* Diplomacy is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc., all rights reserved. Used with permission.